3.15-Alma Coin

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"Alma Coin"

"Alma Coin"

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—— DISTRICT 13 USED TO BE a myth, according to Irene at least. But when she overheard her father – who she didn't knew back then was her father, talking about the first rebellion, Irene had made the choice in searching the district that was once wiped off the map of Panem.

She left district 1, three years before the quarter quell, and traveled to every district to find if there were any district 13 refugees. Only a chameleon would know its own kind if they're able to blend in with the people. Although, there weren't much, it was enough to know that the Capitol was the cause of the district's disappearance from the earth surface.

There she was, in her last stop at district 12, hanging around in the hob all by herself when a woman pulled out the chair in front of her and sat.

"Miss Irene Portwell." The woman greeted her. "To what does district 12 owe you the pleasure of your presence?"

Irene stared at her momentarily, before taking a glance at her attire. It was not something you see in any districts nor the ones that a peacekeeper would wear. "I would say the same thing, miss. Since it seems like you're not from around here either." The girl pointed out. "I'm only here visiting a friend."

"You have a good eye, miss Portwell." She complimented. "The name's Alma Coin. I'm the mayor of district 13."

Now this has gotten her attention. Irene sat up straight and leaned forward. "Do tell, madam mayor." She grinned in interest.

Coin smiled triumphantly, satisfied now that she'd caught the girl's attention. "I'm glad I've caught your interest. Finding you has been a difficult task for 13."

"Well, I'd tried my best to stay below the radar." Irene shrugged. "Seems like the ground didn't hide me enough from wandering eyes." the subtle hints she dropped, knowing that she had already figured out where they're located. Though it looked like Coin didn't grasp that.

"I've come here to offer you a request." Coin started. "You and I both know that as long as President Snow has control over Panem, his reign of terror will never cease. So I'm suggesting we create an alliance between us."

An alliance?

"You're correct about my undeniable intolerance towards the president, but what's in it for me?" She questioned. "What benefit comes out of this alliance? This idea of a revolution of yours?" Irene watched as the corner of her lips lifted into a smirk.

"Justice and liberation."

"Justice for whom?"

"For the people who suffered under President Snow's hands."

"And what of the citizens of the Capitol? Would you spare them too?"

The question was left untouched. Ignored as if it was painful to hear. Irene waited for the answer as she took a sip of her drink, and when moments passed not a single word came out of Coin's mouth, she knew the answer.

"Your plan, madam mayor, sounds so tempting." Irene applauded. "However, it's fatal. As you've said, we both have the same enemy... but there's no such thing as justice and liberation if one side is still suffering. Don't let the colours of the elite fool you. They spent years hiding their true skin behind fortune, you won't know that they're victims too."

"Why do you sympathize with the people?" Coin asked with curiosity. "Didn't they also contribute in sending the districts to their death?"

Irene stood up, getting ready to leave. "Sometimes the people don't represent their government." She told her with a smile. "It's rare to find those with good conscience, and guilt... you'd be surprised how guilt could destroy someone's morality."

That was the last time she saw Alma Coin and the rest of district 13.

And little did she know, she was going to see her once again.

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