3.20-Nightlock, Nightlock, Nightlock. (Finnick)

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first things first... I published two chapters with the same title for a reason, and before you get angry, please read until the very end!

Remember when Finnick told Katniss that Irene works in very questionable ways. This chapter is one of those ways.

In Irene we trust!




"Nightlock, nightlock, nightlock"

Part I. Finnick

——WHEN HE WOKE UP, THE first thing Finnick did was to look for Irene after he noticed she was gone

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——WHEN HE WOKE UP, THE first thing Finnick did was to look for Irene after he noticed she was gone. "Irene?" He whispered in the empty space.

Peeta, who had heard him, looked up and answered. "She went into that room." He pointed the door down the hall. "Said she had to do something."

"Do you know what it is?" He received a shrug. Finnick stood up, stretching his legs as he did before going to the direction of the room Irene was in.

"Irene?" Finnick called out, opening the door in the process. His eyes looked around the room until his eyes landed on her and instantly walked up to her. Just as his hand reached her shoulder, Irene turned around. Her eyes widened in surprise to see him and jumped.

"Finnick! You scared me." She exclaimed. Her hand dropped from her neck to her sides. "Were you calling for me?"

He narrowed his eyes on her in suspicion, looking at her up and down for a moment before nodding. "Yeah– I woke up and you were gone." He said. "What are you doing here?" Finnick asked her. He saw a pile of old parts behind her and when he went to look, only to be pulled away as Irene took his hand and led him out.

"I thought of maybe looking around, trying to find something that could be useful." Irene told him. She glanced at him over her shoulder. "You don't want to stay in that room any longer. There was a dead rat."

Finnick's face scrunched in distaste. He did notice the pungent smell when he entered. He shrugged. "You could've woke me up though."

"Finnick, you need some sleep. Don't think I didn't know you stayed up most nights to watch over me." The blonde scolded him. "Besides, I didn't feel tired at all. So, I let you sleep in."

Flattered, he wrapped his arms around her from behind and kissed the back of her head. "Thank you, but next time please wake me up. You almost gave me a heart attack." He heard her snickered before she let out a small yelp when he squeezed her sides.

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