1.7-Tick Tock

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"Tick Tock."

—— SHE TOOK SMALL BITES OF THE fish Finnick caught for them

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—— SHE TOOK SMALL BITES OF THE fish Finnick caught for them. But it didn't last long until she felt the bile in her throat rising up and vomited. Finnick held her hair back as she did and rubbed her back soothingly. Concern invaded his features.

"Did you eat something bad before the games?" He asked her.

Irene shook her head. "I ate a little, and it usually shouldn't be a problem." She managed to breath out. The taste of her vomit at the back of her throat disgusted her beyond extent. "I don't know what's different."

"Maybe you ate something bad." Finnick suggested. He handed her the flask and let her wash the vile taste from her mouth, and once she was done, he led her back to the others.

He sat her down next to him and brought her close, wrapping his arms around her and continued to rub her back. The two sat in silence as they watched Peeta crack open an oyster, revealing a beautiful pearl inside. "Look, for you." The younger blonde said, placing the pearl on Katniss's palm.

Irene watched with a small smile at the young couple, albeit the small twinge of envy struck within her. Katniss and Peeta made it look easy, despite being polar opposites. Though she feared what might happen if they were to separate as Irene knew what Katniss was capable of.

"This is nice."  Irene whispered. But even amidst the sound of waves, the rest could still hear her.

"What, people dying?" Katniss answered her bluntly.

The woman narrowed her eyes on her. "I meant having a peaceful moment on the beach." She clarified. "But if there's satisfaction in killing people for survival, sure why not." 

"It doesn't matter to you though, right? People are just objects to you. Once they're no longer useful, you just throw them away like trash."

"Katniss–" Peeta interjected.

"No, Peeta. How can we trust her, when we all know which side she already stands for? What if it's all just an act for her to screw us over?" Katniss pointed out. "She has more blood on her hands than any of us combined."

Irene removed herself from Finnick's arms, ignoring his silent protest and leaned forward. "You should be thankful, Miss Everdeen." She hissed. "You would've been dead if I hadn't told Snow to keep you around despite his attempt to get rid of you the moment you went against him. You should be lucky that he hasn't laid any of his threats on you and your family while the rest of us had to suffer losing our family in his hands."

Katniss looked at her confused, unable to grasp the unexpected revelation. "What do you mean?"

The latter couldn't help but snicker. "Why do you think he spared yours and Peeta's family, after you defied him? He gave you a warning, but you still do it. Every single time, you proved him wrong. Such actions would 100% bring severe consequences, yet not a single hair on either of you is harmed except for the nightmares and the survivor's guilt."

CAN'T CATCH ME NOW - F.O; HG (+tbosbas)Where stories live. Discover now