Thirteen- "Farewell, dear friend / Traitor."

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A/N get your tissues ready because this is the final part from the movie

Chapter 13
"Farewell, dear friend / Traitor."

——The past few days have been relaxing for Arson

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——The past few days have been relaxing for Arson. The girl had been smiling almost every hour, which had earned her weird looks from her colleagues. Even Dr Kay had asked her why she'd been so happy– so content with her new life, but Arson had decided to not reveal anything and responded with a wider smile followed by a bright compliment to her pink spectacles.

Her relationship with Zephyr had changed her whole world. The one that was dark and bleak once upon a time, now filled with colours. All of the bad things that had corrupted her maze of traumatic memories were now replaced with all the good ones of her and him. Small pecks became intense make out sessions, and they couldn't get a hold of themselves without feeling each other's skins.

One small touch, could ignite a wildfire within them.

She'd never felt so loved as the only people who had loved her before had died.

Zephyr had all the love to hold and chose her to give all of his heart and soul.

He trusted her.

A girl from the capitol, in love with a boy from the districts.

What a scandalous affair!

Arson could care less what they say. She loves him and she'd do anything to protect him from the greedy, bloodthirsty hands of those who wished death upon him and his kind. She swore not only to him, but to the victims of the hunger games that she'll protect them from the worst kind of punishments.

Tonight, she was now sitting in one of the seats, watching as the covey performed at the Hob. Admiring the Lucy Gray's melodic voice as she sang.

"Everyone's born as clean as a whistle
As fresh as a daisy
And not a bit crazy

Staying that way's a hard row for hoeing
As rough as a briar
Like walking through fire"

Arson stared at the people dancing with their partners, a small smile on her lips as an image of her dancing with Zephyr continued to play in her head. The said boy was nowhere in sight for the night but he did tell her that he had to run some errands. However, her thoughts were interrupted when Coriolanus joined her by sitting next to her. The boy had come with Sejanus but the latter had disappeared to who knows where.

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