3.21-Nightlock, Nightlock, Nightlock (Irene)

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sorry for the heart attack in the previous chapter.

This is how I will pay for your therapy..




"Nightlock, nightlock, nightlock"

Part II. Irene

——THE FIRST THING SHE DID WHEN Irene woke up, was when an idea struck her at the very last minute

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——THE FIRST THING SHE DID WHEN Irene woke up, was when an idea struck her at the very last minute. She carefully lifted Finnick's arm from her waist and placed it down on the space where she used to sleep, then tiptoed to the other room.

She yelped and was quick to slam a hand on her mouth as a rat ran across the room and outside the crack wall. Moments later she heard it squealed in pain until it died down.

The woman shrugged, figuring that it must've been caught in a trap before approaching the table. There were random parts scattered all over the place, and old speakers that were no longer of use. She picked it up and inspected it.

It was usable, and that's enough.

Irene began to pick out the parts and compiled it to the pile that she's going to use to assemble the idea together. Taking out her hair pin, the tip was twisted so it was easy to be used as a screwdriver.

Another thought occurred; her mother must've loved making things too.

A smile formed on Irene's lips.

She'd been in the room probably for an hour, too focused on her invention to hear the door open until someone called out her name. Fingers brushed on her shoulder and she turned around, surprised to find Finnick standing behind her. Irene tucked the device behind her ear, and hid the other in her pocket.

"Finnick! You scared me." She exclaimed nervously. "Were you calling for me?"

"Yeah– I woke up and you were gone." He said. "What are you doing here?" Finnick asked her. Her anxiety spiked up when he began to look over, so she immediately took his hand and pulled him out of the room.

"I thought of maybe looking around, trying to find something that could be useful." She said, glancing at him over her shoulder in hopes he'd believed her. "You don't want to stay in that room any longer. There was a dead rat."

It wasn't really a lie... the rat did die.

"You could've woke me up, though."

Irene rolled her eyes. He needed more sleep than her. As much as she was thankful that he wanted to look after her as she slept, she couldn't let him get tired because of her. Besides, she didn't feel tired at all.

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