fourteen -"A Home By the Sea"

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Chapter 14

"A Home By the Sea."

2 years after the 10th Hunger Games

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2 years after the 10th Hunger Games.

——Walking through the bustling crowd in the market, she could hear the salesmen yelling out prices and negotiating with people to buy their catches and products. The 19 year old girl muttered out excuses and apologies as she tried to get past the stalls, politely avoiding the shopkeepers coming up to her to lure her into their stall.

She reached at the end where the exit stood, and let out a sigh of relief before continuing her way to one of the tables. Her brows sweat from the heat, she could feel her fever worsening every second since she arrived in district 4.

Before 4, she'd been everywhere but the capitol and 1. She stayed in district 12 for 3 more months, then moved to 6 and 11. Her time there was kept in secrecy, as well as her travels. No one knew, not even her friends from the capitol knew of her whereabouts. Arson kept a very low profile, and as time moved on, her appearances changed.

Her dark hair had been cut short to shoulder length, with the addition of adding highlights. Her pale skin became slightly tanner and brown eyes turning lighter.

The only thing that's recognizable was the crow hair stick tucked in the messy bun of her hair.

She had grown up to a beautiful young woman, soon to be twenty in a couple of days. Yet, she was nothing but an empty shell of the person she used to be.

Arson placed the map on the table, several Xs marked on it. She looked up at the market then back to the paper as her fingers trailed from the location to another.

'Home.' she thought. 'I need a place to call home.'

"It's been a while since we have visitors from outside of district 4." A voice interrupted her train of thoughts. "But I'll be damned if it was the president's ward."

A boy, who seemed to be two years younger than her, stopped in front of her table and placed the net full of fishes on the ground. Sea green eyes stared at her with a welcoming gaze. He smiled. "What brings you to our district and not at the capitol?" He asked.

Arson gestured to the empty seat in front of her for him to sit. "I am searching for a place to build a home." She said. "Somewhere peaceful and where no one can find me."

She gazed at the sea. A sad smile formed on her lips as she heard the distant laughter of an ethereal moment from the lake in her memories.

The boy followed her eyes and smiled. "There's an empty piece of land not far from the coast and there used to be a house built nearby, but it was almost destroyed from a fire." He said. "I can show you the way, if you want."

CAN'T CATCH ME NOW - F.O; HG (+tbosbas)Where stories live. Discover now