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Chapter 9



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——Arson had never thought the day she would lay down her life to save a boy who she had grown to care for. Perhaps she loves him, but it was too soon to tell.

For now, all that matters was saving Zephyr before the peacekeepers could take him away and with Gaul's permission, Arson rushed into the arena. The rainbow coloured snakes slithered away as they parted for her, creating a path for the girl as she made her way towards the injured boy. His chest was barely moving but she knew he was still holding on with all his might.

"Zephyr." she breathed in relief. She carefully removed the snakes from him and pulled him close until he was in her arms. Her eyes began to tear up at the sight of his state until she saw where the blood on his chest was splashed a violent red contrast to his shirt that's no longer white.

Red used to be her favourite color.

... Not anymore.

She hated it— loathed it.

Her fingers gently grazed the wound on the left side of his chest, no doubt Zephyr had gotten it during his attempt to stop Bobbin from coming after them and in result, he was stabbed. If the knife had gotten to his heart, he would've been dead but it was a miracle that he was still breathing. His blood coated her fingers, and she hiccuped as a sob managed to escape her trembling lips.

"Zephyr? It's me..." Arson whispered. Her voice began to crack but soon a soft smile replaced her worried features as soon as he opened his eyes in response to the sound of her voice.

"Hello, Arson." He managed a smile despite the pain in his chest. His eyelids drooped slightly, squinting to get a sight of her, but the sun shining above her, creating a halo above her head, made it difficult to see her perfectly clear. "This doesn't seem so bad." Zephyr tried to chuckle, only to cough as he could feel his own blood being forced out of his throat and wheezed.

Arson shook her head. Her dark hair fell over her shoulders as she did so. "You're going to be fine." She assured him. Or maybe she was trying to assure herself. "You won. You and Lucy Gray won the 10th Hunger Games, Zeph..."

"I can go home now?"

"Yes." She nodded happily. Her teeth biting her bottom lips to stop herself from crying. "Yes you can go home now. You can go back to Minnie."

Zephyr smiled in content and closed his eyes. A shaky sigh left his lips. His bloody hand captured hers and placed it on his chest, his thumb rubbing the back of her pale hand. "We can go home now." He whispered. He opened his eyes once more and let her warm brown eyes meet his hazel ones. "I promised that we will get out of here, didn't I?"

CAN'T CATCH ME NOW - F.O; HG (+tbosbas)Where stories live. Discover now