1.5- May the odds be ever in your favour

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"May the odds be ever in your favour"

——WHEN SHE RETURNED BACK TO HER apartment, her last thoughts were his lips as they parted ways

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——WHEN SHE RETURNED BACK TO HER apartment, her last thoughts were his lips as they parted ways. There was no going back. She made her bed and now she had to lie in it.

Gloss was already awake and sitting in the kitchen, looking distraught as always. Despite having twice the multiple support from the Capitol, nothing was guaranteed that he would win. Upon noticing him, Irene joined the man and poured herself a glass of apple juice, sitting quietly as they both thought of their final moments before they plunged into the dark waters.

"You're thinking about the alliance Haymitch offered?" Gloss spoke up.

"I know you're not."

"It's risky... If Snow finds out, he can do anything he wants with Cashmere with a snap of his finger."

"Which is why I'm not taking it unless I have to." Irene confronted. "Besides... you know that I do things that only benefit me." It wasn't really the truth, but she's not lying either. Making an alliance with Katniss and Peeta does have some benefits. Though she's still not going to go against her promises.

Gloss snickered at her response. "That's bullshit. You and I both know it'll benefit your agenda against Snow. Getting closer to Snow's enemies is one step closer to destroying him, isn't it?"

Irene rolled her eyes despite knowing he was right. "What are you saying, Gloss? You want me to go against Cashmere's wishes?"

"And what about you?" He countered back. "You've spent years trying to find answers, but now that an opportunity is given to you, you're pushing it away? I think my sister would understand and so will your brother." Gloss leaned forward and placed his hand on hers, giving it a squeeze. "Think about it."

So she did. All the time while she was getting ready, while they were on the hovercraft, and while before she was launched. Standing in the tube, Irene kept gripping on her forearm where the tracker had been injected in. The moment she's in the game, everything that happened before will disappear and they'll be focusing on surviving instead. She's a lone wolf just like how she was back during her game. It's only her against the 23 tributes, 3 of which she considered as a family.

Once everyone arrived at their respective spots, the countdown began. Irene could feel the tension in the air as everyone got their stance ready. Irene could hear her heart beating loudly, and this time, she's going to swim towards the cornucopia like everyone else.


The canon blew, and everyone dived into the cold waters. She was thankful for the swimming lessons Finnick gave her during her one time visit to his district, or else she'll drown. Irene pushed her arms against the current and came up for air before swimming towards the cornucopia. The moment she arrived, someone else came up next to her and the woman noticed it was a morphling from district 6 and immediately pushed him down into the water.

CAN'T CATCH ME NOW - F.O; HG (+tbosbas)Where stories live. Discover now