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Chapter Four


——They said a good night's sleep would ease your worries for the next day

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——They said a good night's sleep would ease your worries for the next day.

But Arson rather played pretend and numbed herself instead. It was something she would always do when life began to crumble down and she felt as if she's still falling down into a never ending rabbit hole.

Much to her demise, the Hunger Games was still happening despite the tragic death of their former classmate. She was not close to Arachne, but they were rather tolerable with each other's presence even though Arson was considered to be a middle class citizen back then.

Still, death was something not to be taken lightly.

It's what haunts her every single day, as death followed her around ever since she was little.

Today, however, Arson was not given the pleasure to join her fellow mentors to discuss with their tributes. She walked through the halls of the Academy, passing the students but not without a smile, and continued searching for a certain girl.

"Livia!" Arson greeted with a chirp.

The blonde turned to her, wide eyes in surprise. "Arson, good morning!" She blurted. Unable to form any words as she stood in front of the girl. Arson dismissed the action as if it was nothing, already used to it with her status as the president's ward and Gaul's assistant, and with the Capitol in her favour, she was treated like royalty.

"I have a favour to ask." Arson began. "Dr. Gaul needed me in her lab in a matter of seconds, yet at the same time there's a discussion happening between mentor and tributes. I was hoping you could cover for me."

It wasn't a question.

It was an order.

Livia stuttered in surprise. "Would they even allow that?" She hesitated.

"Just give Highbottom this note." Arson handed her a small slip. "He'd understand." She watched as the latter carefully held the paper as if it would burn any second, and pocketed it.

"What are the points I need to cover?"

The dark haired girl bit her cheek in thought. "First off all, do tell Zephyr that he can trust you as I do too..." She then narrowed her eyes in inspection. "That is to say... I can definitely trust, can I?"

Livia nodded her head immediately. "Of course!" She stammered as the wave of anxiety washed over her.

"Good. You as well as everyone should know what happens when someone breaks my trust." Arson scowled, waving her hand in dismissal before continuing. "With the interview later on, make sure to find ways how Zephyr can make himself look presentable. Walk with me, Livia." She looped her arm with the said girl and the two walked down the hall towards the entrance where the rest of the selected mentors were getting ready to leave.

CAN'T CATCH ME NOW - F.O; HG (+tbosbas)Where stories live. Discover now