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I went to the beach on last sunday and collected some seashells. It was when I got home that I realized I had channeled my inner Irene Portwell. (I collected more than the ones in the picture and my grandmother even helped me find some😭)

 (I collected more than the ones in the picture and my grandmother even helped me find some😭)

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Chapter eight


——Day 2 greeted her poorly as an unsettling nausea filled her stomach

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——Day 2 greeted her poorly as an unsettling nausea filled her stomach. Arson rooted herself in her seat, forcing herself not to form any sort of movement that may be deemed suspicious as Bobbin's body was televised. His 'sudden' death was fortunately not questioned despite his mentor's attempts to investigate, and instead Lucky Flickerman was more concerned on how Marcus's body had moved from its original post.

Unbeknownst to them, the two culprits were hidden in the sea of red, pretending as if it had nothing to do with them regardless of the distraught running through their systems.

The screens flickered through every tribute, as much as the cameras could capture, but none had shown her of Zephyr. Worry spread through her, she feared what happened last night— the scream she had heard might belong to him. Arson could only hope that he was still alive and was hiding that well.

As the screens lastly showed the tributes of district 12, the girl could tell something was wrong at the sight of Lucy Gray's partner; Jessup. From across the room, she made eye contact with Coriolanus, a concerned frown on his brows as he mirrored her confusion. 

Then Lucy Gray's panicked scream echoed the auditorium when the girl started to run out from her hiding spot as Jessup chased her. Arson frowned at the sudden change of events. Lucy Gray continued to run towards the higher grounds and up the stands, crawling back in fear and distress as Jessup continued to advance towards her with foam forming in his mouth. From the corner of her eyes, the dark haired girl could see Coriolanus and Lysistrata in a heated discussion and before she knew it, a drone was sent into the arena, crashing into Jessup who then fell backwards and hit his head in the process.

CAN'T CATCH ME NOW - F.O; HG (+tbosbas)Where stories live. Discover now