3.17-Wedding and Honeymoon

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"Wedding and Honeymoon"


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——IT TOOK WEEKS TO RECREATE the antidote. Weeks of spending in the medical facility, and overtime she had gotten to know the lovely Primrose Everdeen and her mother as she worked.

Though when she's not working, she was whisked away by Cashmere, Annie, Johanna and Katniss as they planned on the wedding after they'd gotten the approval from Coin and Heavensbee with the help of Haymitch, who reasoned with; "If the citizens of Panem had gotten to see this lovely reunion, they'd at least to know that it was thanks to district 13 for bringing Irene and Finnick back together. You should know by now, they'd do anything to see the Capitol Princess from being hurt."

Now the day had finally arrived. Effie, Circe and Violet did a great job at making her a wedding dress with the materials they had, and Irene was relieved to know that her prep team and mentor were alright. The dress itself was not too extravagant; simple yet elegant. It reminded her of the dress she wore during the night before the quarter quell.

Her hair was twisted into a low braided bun with curled strands framing her face, and tiny flowers decorated in every twist.

She's sitting in her room flipping through her diary that she was surprised to see when Finnick showed it to her, when the door opened and Cashmere slipped inside with a baby in her arms.

"Zeff just wants to see his aunt before she gets married." Cashmere giggled as the baby squealed in his mother's arms. Irene placed her book down before she stood up and walked to them. Her sister in law carefully transferred him to her and she smiled when Zeff placed his tiny chubby hands on Irene's cheeks, making the latter laugh.

"You're so adorable." Irene gushed. She lightly tickled his stomach and the sound of his laughter echoing in the room had struck a knife in her heart. She slowly walked around the room until she reached her mirror, careful to not step on the skirt of her dress, and took a sad glance at the reflection.

Cashmere soon joined her and placed her hands on her shoulders, knowing well enough what the woman was thinking. "You'll be a great mother." She assured her.

Irene smiled at her, thankful for her kind words before she spun to her. Guilt rose within her as she stared at Cashmere who resembled so much like her brother.

The brother she had failed to safe.

"Cas, I want to say I'm sorry—"

"It's not your fault, Irene." Cashmere interjected. "As much as it hurts, I think I found peace with the fact Gloss won't have to endure any of this torture ever again. He's safe now."

CAN'T CATCH ME NOW - F.O; HG (+tbosbas)Where stories live. Discover now