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Chapter Three



——A sixteen year old, Arson, walked through the doors of the Citadel

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——A sixteen year old, Arson, walked through the doors of the Citadel. Two peacekeepers awaited her arrival and the moment she entered, they immediately took hold of her shoulders and led her down to the gamemaker room.

It was late at night, and the Capitol had gone into slumber except for Arson and her company. She'd received a letter from her mentor, requesting her presence for an urgent matter. One that the doctor did not clarify further.

The lights dimmed as she further walked down the halls until she could see the large doors. Once she entered, Dr. Gaul was already there, standing between two peacekeepers, and behind them, the girl caught sight of a large aquarium in the centre of the room.

"Arson." Gaul welcomed her. "I was hoping you were bailing on my request at the very last minute."

"I couldn't resist." Arson admitted with guilt. "Was it about the piranhas? Did something happen?"

Her mentor shook her head, letting out a small laugh. "Oh, they're still alive." She said. "Just one last test to see if they work perfectly well." Gaul grasped her small shoulders and led the girl to the steps that led up to the platform. "The Peacekeepers have successfully captured a rebel on the outskirts of the capitol, and he'd claimed – by accident, that there were more coming. Waiting to attack us."

"However, he won't say a single word further." Gaul grumbled in annoyance. They stopped a few feet away from the tied up rebel. Arson's eyes widened in shock at his beaten up appearance. It was her first time seeing a rebel after the war, nor had she'd any encounter with one before.

"Which is why I have requested your presence to help me force them open."

The man spat at them. His saliva mixed with blood landed near their feet. "You're making a little girl do all of your dirty work now?" He spluttered.

"This little intelligent girl could break you in a matter of seconds before she throws you in with the fishes." Gaul seethed. She went down in front of Arson— who was yet to speak a single word after she entered, and placed her hands on her shoulder. "Do not disappoint me, Arson." She sternly told the girl.

Arson stepped forward, fingers rolled up into a fist to stop herself from shaking. She stared down at the man grimly. Hopefully to get rid of all sympathy for the rebel even though her heart spoke differently. "Where are the rest of your friends?" She queried.

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