3.22- Evacuation

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one more chapter and then the epilogue!

(Also... a small TBOSAS spoiler in this chapter.. i think)





——IRENE SAT ACROSS FINNICK, WHO barely cast her a glance after her arrival

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——IRENE SAT ACROSS FINNICK, WHO barely cast her a glance after her arrival. She knew he was angry at her, but she also knew that he would never stay angry at her for a very long time.

Though it did hurt her when he pushed her away as she took a few steps toward him. She'd probably deserved it.

Afterall, she made him think that she was dead and based on what Katniss had told her, he reacted worse.

Yet every minute wasted in the basement, Irene couldn't drop her gaze from Finnick. Thinking of ways to talk to him until she finally gave up and decided to just approach him normally. The woman lifted herself up and moved to sit next to him. Making sure that there was a small space in case he didn't want her presence.

"Are you mad at me?" Irene quietly asked him. Glancing at him every second for any reaction from him, but he didn't answer. Her shoulders slumped miserably and went back to her previous spot.

"I thought you were really dead this time." Finnick said. Lips trembling at the thought of it. His fingers wrapped around her wrists, pulling her down to sit next to him. "I thought time had moved backwards and you're not there next to me."

He turned to her. Eyes red from crying in frustration and agony at the thought of her dead previously. "Why–" He took a deep breath, trying to stop himself from crying further. The pain itself was still raw. "Why didn't you tell me?"

Her eyes softened. Irene brushed a strand away from his eyes before settling her hand on the side of his face, brushing the skin beneath his eye to get rid of his worries. "I'm sorry." She whispered in apology. "But if I had told you, you wouldn't let me do it."

"I could've come with you!"

"And then they'll kill you too." Irene reasoned. "I can't let you die."

Finnick shook his head, feeling vaguely displeased with her decision. It was reckless. Stupid– She could've died!

But she was right.

She always has been.

He could've died if he had followed her. He could and would never understand her. Though Finnick had let his emotions overpowered him when he verbally attacked Katniss and no matter how many times she had assured him that it was not his fault– no one could blame him for wanting to know where his wife was, every time Finnick looked at the girl, he tried to swallow his guilt until he felt the need to throw up.

CAN'T CATCH ME NOW - F.O; HG (+tbosbas)Where stories live. Discover now