seven-"Death incarnation"

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Chapter seven

"Death incarnation"


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——ARSON'S EYES DROOPED TIREDLY AS night had fallen. Some had returned home to their beds in which she could never understand how one could even think of sleeping after seeing such brutality and blood that was spilled. She even had to hold back the vomit as she was forced to watch Lamina, a tribute from district 7, end Marcus' life.

She thought back the way Sejanus had stomped out of the auditorium in fits of rage the moment he saw the condition of his former friend and classmate.

If it were Zephyr who ended up in his position, she would've done the same, or worse... she would've burned down the arena herself.

But her pride increased while she watched in awe as Zephyr took action in the arena. He was quick as he'd promised. Agile. Barely a single scratch on him except for the dust and sweat that coated his skin. His hat had disappeared, letting his brown curls free,and  she even let her mind wander back to when her own fingers had tangled themselves in it.

And even from afar, she could see the persistence in his hazel eyed gaze.

The determination to survive and protect. Devoting his life to protect those who couldn't protect themselves especially Dill and Wovey, and maybe Reaper. The two boys bond in an agreement to protect the younger ones. She risked looking back at the audience and found them tearing up and beamed at the sight of the alliance.

The dark haired girl rolled her neck, trying to get rid of the ache until her eyes landed on Coriolanus who was sound asleep. She surveyed the room for a second before standing up, clutching her stomach in pain due to her time of the month had unfortunately come as she made her way to the toilet.

'Of all days, it just has to be today.' Arson thought.

Though once she was done, Arson let out a yelp as she jumped when she saw Sejanus leaning against the wall facing the toilet's door. He straightened up once he saw her and before she could ask him, he spoke first.

"Arson, I need your help."

Sejanus Plinth was like the brother she'd never had. A friend she'd always feel comfortable with without being judged for her true thoughts. One that she would never speak out loud. When the boy arrived from district 2, it was her who had welcomed him at the train station. Two 8 year olds running around wildly, and when Sejanus was being bullied, Arson would be the first to fight them off.

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