twelve-"The Portwell Tradition"*

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Chapter 12

"The Portwell tradition"

——Waking up, the first thing she thought of was the memories from last night

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——Waking up, the first thing she thought of was the memories from last night. A smile crept up to her lips.

All of her friends were here. But most importantly, Zephyr was here. Just a few feet away from her reach.

She was in an euphoria.

A knock interrupted blissful thoughts, pulling the girl from her bed and still dressed in her nightwear. "Corio?" Arson questioned once she opened the door. "What are you doing here?"

The boy in front of her stared at her with an unrecognizable gaze. It was only when she waved her hand in front of his face did he get out of his reverie. "Can I come in?" He nodded inside. Within a second, Arson stepped aside and let him in, closing the door behind her. She watched Coriolanus walk towards her desk where her works and books were scattered all over the surface. He picked one up and inspected the cover.


"I was wondering if I could expand my learning to human biology. I've learned about animal mutation my whole life but I'm wondering if it'll work with humans too." Arson explained.

"You want to experiment on people?" Coriolanus asked her with interest. He had always admired her will to learn, something that had led her to where she now stood. It made him wonder when, if he became the president, would his childhood best friend make a perfect candidate to rule by his side.

He could never deny the fact that Arson was both beauty with brains. She's so much more and her potential would be a shame to waste.

Much to his dismay, the said girl shook her head. "No." Arson said. "Conducting a human experiment is a risk, and as much as I am committed to animal mutations, I do regret participating in it now."

Coriolanus could not believe what he was hearing. "Why? You have a great mind and you have used it to contribute to the Capitol. There's nothing to regret." He pointed out.

Arson sighed. Knowing that he wouldn't understand. "You pushed me, remember? And as I grew, I realized that the lives of the animals are as valuable as the lives of human beings. My condition from now on is to only proceed as a last resort; when there's still a chance to save them."

"What are you really here for, Corio?" She continued.

Realizing that she's not up to argue further, he finally told her his reason. "I saw Sejanus talking with Billy Taupe and his friend on my way back from seeing Lucy Gray. They were whispering something... I bet they're planning something and trying to drag him down with them if they get caught." He said.

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