five-"Death's Kiss"

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Chapter five

"Death's kiss."

——It's been days since the rebel bombing

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——It's been days since the rebel bombing. The arena was being repaired and for the time being the mentors were given the opportunity to recover from their injuries and meet with their tributes.

Except, Arson was exempted from seeing Zephyr. Temporarily replaced by Livia Cardew who she grew to despise after hearing the girl's gloating; how she deserved to be part of the mentor's program in the first place. Instead, she was sent into confinement in the Citadel lab by Dr.Gaul to tend to the rainbow snake.

The woman had justified the action in regards to Arson's safety. The last thing she wanted was to find her assistant dead beneath the rubble from the rebel bombing. But Arson knew very well that her mentor had begun suspecting the 'complicated' relationship between her and her tribute.

As days went by, there wasn't a second she did not think of Zephyr. He was on her mind constantly, and she wondered— like one of those lovesick girls she'd seen in the movies before the rebellion, if he was thinking about her too. It was insufferable. To not be able to step out from the lab or the mansion without being followed. Gaul made sure she kept Arson busy so she wouldn't have the time to sneak out.

But tonight, she'd decided enough was enough.

The sound of her shoes lightly tapping against the pavement as she walked in the dark and toward the Capitol Zoo. She could see her breath in the cold air and shivered, tugging her coat over her small figure, and a hand was stuffed inside its pocket holding onto the wrapped food.

The closer she got, the more she could see him.

Zephyr was sitting against the boulder, head down in between his knees, cradled by his hands. His body slightly shivering against the cold night and beside him was Wovey who had curled into his side. Upon hearing light footsteps approaching the cage, his head snapped up to see her. He carefully moved Wovey and stood up, rushing towards her.

"Arson." He breathed out in relief. "You're okay." One of his hands subconsciously reached up and placed above the girl's fingers that were wrapped around one of the bars, while the other cupped the side of her face, gently caressing her cheek, afraid that she would disappear into thin air and all of this was just a dream that he'd wish to never wake up before he marched to his death tomorrow.

"They wouldn't let me see you." Arson whispered. Leaning into his cold hand and a sigh escaped her lips unaware. "Are you okay?"

Zephyr couldn't help but chuckle. "Am I okay— Are you okay? How's your hand?" He asked her once he took note of her bandaged hand.

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