Y/N Beaten Up - All Avengers Ⓐ

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Y/N gets beaten up. All Avengers become very protective of Y/N


I kept my head down on the pavement trying to stay hidden as I quickly walked home. I had yet to come up with an excuse for why my knees were all cut, my hands grazed and the black eye that was staining my left eye. 

I could see the compound get bigger as I got closer.

Suddenly, I saw them!

I could hear their venomous laughter echoe around the streets as they walked towards me. I pushed my sunglasses up my nose and pulled my hood over my head.

I walked past them and their friends quickly, keeping my eyes down and increasing my pace.

Abruptly, I felt something pulling on my collar. My body was thrown and crushed into the floor. My hood fell and sunglasses flew across the pavement revealing my scared, injured state. The three bullies stood over me cackling like witches. That's when it started. 

Clearly displeased with my earlier beating at lunchtime, they felt they needed to add to it.

I felt their feet kick into my stomach causing nausea to fill my gut and throat. I curled up in a ball trying to protect myself. Instinctively, my hands rose to my head shielding it as I kept my head down on the floor.

A sharp sting ran through my head as their fingers pulled my hair, forcing me to lift my head. The bullies' two friends held me, roughly grabbing me in a headlock.

The bully smirked at me, seeing me being held against my will by their friends. They raised their fist and smashed it into my face.

Their bulky rings opened up cuts on my cheeks allowing blood to make an appearance adding to the pool which dripped from my broken nose staining my white polo shirt. 

Their hands left me as they threw me onto the floor, gave me one final kick to the abdomen and ran off still cackling.

I carefully rose to my feet leaning against the wall for support. I opened up my camera on my phone. 

My black eye, one of my gifts from lunchtime, was roaring blue and purple getting bigger by the second. Blood stained my cheeks and shirt as my nose continued to drip the scarlett liquid. I wiped my nose with the sleeve of my hoodie. I pulled my hood back up and placed my sunglasses on my nose tenderly. And I continued the slow walk home with tears adding to the mess of my face.

I walked into the compound. I emptied my lunchbox on the ground floor that no one was ever in and I tried to come up with an excuse on why I was black and blue.

Lying to a mind-reader, surprisingly difficult.

I trudged into the lift and shot it me up to the main living area. I tried to fix my appearance as best as I could but the blood was everywhere and very stubborn about vacating my face. 

The lift lurched to a stop and the doors were flung open. Everyone looked up.

I looked a right sight. Large hoodie (zipped up with the sleeves covering the tips of my fingers), dark sunglasses hiding my eyes and a bruise and blood covered body and face.

I shot a large fake smile and I cheered "Hey guys!" trying to sound as happy as possible, acting like everything was fine. 

Did I really think I would get away with this?

I hung onto the kitchen side as I walked over to the sink trying to not trip over my weary feet. I poured myself some water, trying to remove the metallic taste of blood in my mouth which was definitely staining my teeth probably making me look like a vampire.

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