An ADHD Interrogation - Natasha and Loki

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I am well-renowned across Shield for my interrogations.
I was able to get the information out of a Red Room spy on Hydra's latest technology in just 48 seconds!

Sometimes, having ADHD and never being able to be on one topic for long has its perks.

Yesterday, Loki was brought in and has refused to speak.
Fury needs the information of a body of a missing Shield Agent.
It turns out Loki was involved in his disappearance several months ago.

So, they're sending in me!
Wish me luck!

Natasha met me by the cells holding area and gave me a quick run down as we approached Loki's cell.

His long hair looked greasy after not being able to maintain his luscious locks for several days (I felt a little bad for the guy). He watched me carefully, my reputation usually precedes me.

"You're going to hate my partner." Natasha said to Loki and took a step back, giving me the space I needed.

"Where'd you put the body?" I said quickly and abruptly, not stopping for introductions or small talk: I don't have time for that (and I can barely do it anyway).

"What body?" Loki asked and raised an eyebrow, feigning confusion.

"Who do you think is going to win by the way?" I changed topics before he could even blink; my mind has always run at like a million miles an hour.

"Win what?" I could hear the confusion leaking through his tone as Natasha tried to conceal her grin.

"The Oscar for best motion picture." I answered, beginning to slowly break him down which he was oblivious too.

"I mean... everything, everywhere all at once was pretty-" Before he could finish his answer, I interrupted him again.

"You know where the body is, don't you?" I said quickly.

"Can we pick a topic?" Loki exasperated, clearly done with me already.

"I'm going to be honest with you, I didn't study this case until really late." I leant against the cell glass wall as I rambled. "I put it off until the last minute. I had a new hobby and also I got stuck on what was the actor's name who played Robb Stark on Game of Thrones. I went to google Game of Thrones , I typed in Game and I was like oh shit the Panthers game. I turn it on; we were winning and at the end of that I was like oh shit the case. I forget the case! That was five minutes ago... so... Do you like Game of Thrones?" I found that bombarding the perpetrators with useless information is vital because as they try to retain everything I said, they can get incredibly distracted (more than me).

"Yes." He answered bluntly.

"Do you find me annoying?" I asked, trying to appear innocent and harmless and it was clearly working.


"The body's in the swamp?" I said quickly, now trying to get my answer.


There was a moment of recognition and realisation at what he did but it was too late.
I had found the answer!

"Gotcha." I mumbled as a smirk swept across my face.

"I hate you so much." He murmured. "I never want to see you again.

"Yeah... I get that a lot." 

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