Forgotten - Request with All Avengers

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A request from 

A request from 

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"Miss Y/L/N, Fury is requesting your presence in the meeting room!" Jarvis' voice echoed around my bedroom as I pulled my hoodie on over my head. I grinned as I realised Uncle Fury was back from his mission.

I hurried down the stairs, past the empty kitchen and into the meeting room.

"There you are!" Fury laughed as he grabbed me and threw me into the air before catching me again.

"Hi Uncle Fury!" I grinned.

It had been a while since I had last seen him due to his work.

"Can we just get on with the meeting? Some of us have stuff to do!" Natasha snapped making me blush as I realised I had interrupted the meeting.

Fury took my hand in his big one and held me close as he lowered me to the floor. I shuffled my feet and looked at the floor as everyone began whispering. I caught my name being said as tears brimmed in my eyes.

"Silence!" Fury shouted making me flinch slightly. He rubbed his fingers over my knuckles in a silent apology as I traced the lines on the floor with my foot. "Now! As you all know, Christmas is less than a week ago. This means nothing to me! I still want all your paperwork handed in on time with no excuses!" I smiled as Fury glared at Yelena.

"I don't know what that little brat is grinning at, I've already finished my report!" Yelena glared at me, her Russian accent prominent.

"Y/N, go wait for me in the kitchen. I'll be out in a minute!" Fury gently pushed me towards the door with his gentle hand on my back.

I complied and walked away, rubbing my arms uncomfortably as I headed to the kitchen.

I jumped onto one of the stools and began spinning around and around, laughing loudly to myself as my hair flung in my face.

"Hey hun!" Wanda giggled making me stop quickly.

"Witchy!" I yelled as I ran over to her. She wrapped her arms around me and picked me up.

"Well hello little one!" She giggled and pressed kisses across my cheeks and nose.

"Aren't you meant to be in the meeting?" I asked as I played with the hood of her jumper and the zip, puling at it as she rocked me softly.

"No. Fury is telling them off for how badly they're treating you." She moved some of my hair out of my face as I leant into her touch. "What are you doing today?"

I beamed up at her. "Uncle Fury is taking me shopping to get Christmas presents!" I said hurriedly as Wanda smiled at me.

"That'll be fun won't it? What are you getting your favourite witch?" She teased as she tickled my stomach.

"No!" I laughed loudly and pushed her hands away and she lowered me back to the floor. "I can't tell you silly!" I laughed loudly and tapped her nose teasingly.

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