All Avengers - ED Ⓐ

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Just a quick warning, this will be discussing some sensitive topics like eating disorders. I have experienced this myself and believed it was normal, it obviously is not. If you do need any support or anyone talk to then message me and I'll be there with you. I do hope you enjoy this though. I love you all 3,000!

This is based off of two songs: Scars to your beautiful and You're somebody else.

I collapsed onto the sofa in the living room. My growling stomach was more obvious than ever. The pain in my stomach was a constant reminder to why I was doing this; I had to be thin.

I had to be perfect!

And I was going to do everything in my power to stay that way.

I ran my fingers up and down my arms, tracing my self-harm scars subconsciously as I zoned out.

"Y/N what's the problem?" I heard Tony's voice boom. I blinked a few times trying to bring myself to my senses.

"She hasn't eaten for three days!" Steve declared,shifting his glare from me to Tony and back again.

Everyone's small talk fell silent and I felt a dozen pairs of eyes staring at me, like I was some sort of freak.

I knew it wasn't normal me refusing to eat but I had to.
They were all perfect, muscular, thin and perfect.
I couldn't compare to them.
I was nothing.

Wanda looked down in shock, tears welling in her eyes.

I looked over to Sharon who was chuckling.
She rolled her eyes at my broken state and everyone's reaction.

"You know cover girls eat nothing!" Sharon tutted in annoyance.
She was the one who convinced me to stop eating.

Peter looked down.
His bottom lip was quivering as tears slipped down his cheeks.

"Beauty is pain!" Carol added, backing Sharon up.

Peter shot up from his seat in rage. "There's beauty in everything!" He shouted, with a look of pure disappointment but also fear.

What was he scared of?

"What's a little bit of hunger?" Carol questioned, with a shrug of her shoulders and a lack of care or sympathy.

I pushed past through all the tears and looked up at everyone.

"I can go a little while longer." I muttered, catching everyone's attention.

Wanda, Nat and Lena all shared a look as did some of the others. They all looked genuinely scared and worried.

Why it's just food?

Nat's eyes began to gloss over, shimmering like fairy lights. "She fades away." She said, not loud enough to be a shout but not quiet enough to be a whisper.

"You don't see your perfect!" Tony added loudly, making me jump slightly.
My senses were being a bit funny. It sounded like they were all underwater or that I was floating away into the clouds.

"You don't understand, it's worth it!" Sharon continued, you could sense the annoyance in her tone.

Was it worth it?

Nat shuffled over to me.
She kneeled between the gap in my legs and held my hands while they remained balanced on my knees. She was choking back her tears as she looked at me.

I knew I didn't look good. Big dark bags under my eyes and a face as pale as that of a ghost.

"Y/N, listen to me please. You have to eat!" She begged as she sniffed, trying to keep her emotions away from this situation.

I hesitated at an answer and began to stumble and trip over my words. I looked over to see Carol and Sharon looking at me like I was dirt on their shoe.
I was disgusting.

"I'm not hungry..." I stuttered, earning a smug look of approval from Sharon.

"Y/N please." Peter hid his face in his hands as he spoke also begging. He ran his fingers through his hair as he tried to keep up his calm composure.

"I'm fine!" I exclaimed, earning a tut from Nat.

"No you're not hun but that's ok." Wanda said as she walked over. She knelt down beside Nat and wrapped her arm around Nat's shoulder.

"Let me be your mirror. Help you see a little bit clearer. The light that shines within." Nat said, holding her eye contact with me the whole time.

I chucked her hands away from me and jumped up, backing away from them and standing behind the sofa.

"Why do you care?" I screamed.

"Well you look like yourself but you're somebody else." Bucky replied, calmly, he walked over to me, holding up his hands like a criminal would.

"Only it ain't on the surface!l Peter added, looking over at me with pure fear in his eyes.

"Yeah. Of course, it's not me." I sneered sarcastically.

"You talk like yourself, no I hear someone else." Nat said, before quickly wiping a tear.

"Nat, now you're making me nervous..." I replied while shifting my weight from one foot to the other while I played with my fingers.

"Y/N, you have to eat." Peter pleaded.

"No, I don't!" I yelled. "Stop telling me what to do, you're not my dad!" I screamed finally snapping.

"No he isn't. But I am. And I say Peter is right." Tony concluded, while crossing his arms over his chest.

"Please Y/N." Wanda begged with eyes full of remorse and words full of sorrow.

"Why should I eat? It does me no good! It ruins me." I explained not expecting them to understand. "Why do you even care?" I questioned.

"Doll, look at yourself."

I could barely hear him past the ringing in my ears. I stumbled forward trying to steady myself. My vision began to spin as my head ached with a heavy pain. I crashed to the floor.

"Shit!" I heard people yell.
I could not tell the difference between anybody's voices.

"Stay awake!" I think Nat said as she annoyingly tapped my face, giving me something to focus on.

I tried desperately.

I used all my strength to fight with the darkness and dizziness, that was threatening to take me over.

I was weak.

I succumbed to the darkness after only a few seconds and allowed myself to fall, slipping into the world of unconsciousness.

By the way, this is only based on my experiences so might not be the most exact thing or what you or someone else has experienced but oh well it's fanfic we don't discuss the believability otherwise the whole thing crumbles. Haha oh well!

I hope you enjoyed this! Let me know if you do want a part 2 and see a recovery or anything. I hope you all have a great day. Love you all 3,000!

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