Natasha Headcanons - Natasha part 5

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I have honestly lost count but this has been suggested frequently so here ya go! If you have any more ideas or stories you'd like to see; shoot me a message! Happy reading and I love you all 3,000!!


"Would you say that you're independent?" Fury's voice boomed around the room as I looked at him across the table.

I looked past him and saw Nat, waiting for her verdict and the answer to the question.

She nodded and her red locks fell across her shoulders.

"Yes, I'd say so!" I repeated Nat's answer to Fury who nodded and continued the interview.


"Did you have to stab him?" Nat rolled her eyes as she paced the living room while I sat with my head in my hands.

"Fury is going to kill you!" Wanda said harshly as she sat opposite me and Yelena stood beside Nat.

"You weren't there! You didn't hear what he said to me." I grumbled in annoyance.

"What did he say?" Nat demanded, her voice full of worry.

"What are you going to do, stab me?" I quoted the man's words to the group.

"I mean that's fair!" Yelena chuckled after a few minutes of awkward silence.


I grumbled to myself as I stormed away from Natasha; I had pushed her a little too far and had definitely pissed her off.

I sat opposite her at the table as we silently ate her food.

I looked up and saw her glaring at me while looking through a fork.

"Why are you staring at me through a fork?" I asked and took another bite of my meal.

"I'm pretending you're in jail." Nat chuckled while grinning widely.

"Why?" I asked confused.

"It's spiritually healing." Nat answered as I stood up and washed my plate, laughing at her cute weirdness.



I climbed up to the Quinjet and pulled the headphones over my ears, adjusting the mic slightly as I got comfortable.

I had a meeting in Sokovia and wanted to fly around for a bit, making sure the Jet was in perfect shape.

"Romanoff." I said loudly so Jarvis would log me in.

"Access denied!" The computer's robotic voice echoed, making me look at it in confusion.

"Natasha Romanoff!" I said loudly. "Come on, you stupid thing..." I murmured as I tried to log in. "Damn you Stark and your stupid technology, that doesn't even work."

"Access denied!"

"The Black Widow." I said after a few seconds.

"Access denied!"

"Natalie Rushman..." I grumbled swearing to myself I would kill Y/N for changing it again.

"Welcome Scariest Avenger!" The computer beeped and the engine buzzed to life.

"I'll kill you Y/N/N." I whispered and took off.



I flew my hand back as I told Lena and Wanda about my mission but accidentally hit Y/N.

I looked over and tried to decide if I should say 'I'm fucking sorry' or 'are you ok'.

"Are you fucking sorry?" I screeched.

I realised what I said and looked at Y/N.

Tears were brimming in her eyes as she edged away from me.

"What's wrong with you?" Lena gasped and wrapped her arm around Y/N.



I collapsed into Nat's lap, making her laptop glitch slightly as I threw myself on top of her. I looked up into her beautiful green eyes. Her fingers threaded through my hair as she kissed my nose then my lips softly.

"Tell me I'm pretty!" I demanded, making her laugh.

"You're pretty fucking annoying, that's what you are!" Nat smirked.


"YN, why are you burning our marriage certificate?" Nat asked as she walked outside towards me.

"Good luck returning me without a receipt!" I cackled.


"You're so tiny and adorable." I whispered.

I kissed the top of Nat's head and rubbed her back gently as she pulled me against her. Her eyes were closed as she nuzzled her face into my neck and I gently played with her hair.

"I could literally kick your butt right now!" Nat grumbled, still half-asleep with her Russian accent prominent.

"I know!" I lulled as she fell asleep.

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