Fireworks - Nat and Wanda

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I rubbed my hands up and down my arms trying to calm myself. I knew what was coming.

It was the 4th of July, meaning parties, loud music and worst of all, fireworks.

Every year, I had to work myself up to deal with the horrible loud bangs that sound freakishly like guns, leading to panic attacks and meltdowns.

Only one person knew of my true fear which was Nat but I think Wanda knew too, although I never outwardly told her.

I pulled at my stomach and belly trying to calm myself further as I tried to ground myself.

"The fireworks are starting!" Tony shouted over the large crowd (of course he invited everyone he knew) to which everyone began cheering and clapping with pure excitement.

I exhaled a long breath, mentally preparing myself for what was to come. I could feel Wanda's eyes piercing my skin as she watched me carefully.

"You ok Y/N?" Bruce asked, making dozens of people turn towards me.

"Oh yeah! Just super excited!" I cheered loudly and jumped on the spot a few times, trying to seem enthused.

"Good!" Tony shouted back with a double thumbs up to which I exchanged.

The first one shot into the air. I tensed up and froze completely, too scared to even breathe let alone move.

Fuck, where was Nat?

The firework exploded in the sky with terrifying colours of blood and guts. 

I could hear the gunshots so clearly, almost like I was back there again. The screams started, screaming right by my ear, right in my mind. So clear and so surreal.

My legs gave way as I slipped further and further into the horrors of my own mind while the fireworks shrieked out loudly, like children's cries and begs.

Strong arms wrapped around me, stopping me from hitting the wet grass. Her fingers tapped at my face saying incoherent words that didn't make any sense. Her hands gently pushed my head into her chest as she wrapped her arms around my back, holding me closely.

"Tash?" I whimpered as tears streamed down my face and choked my voice.

"It's me. Everything's ok sweetheart. Just listen to my heartbeat milyy (sweetie)," Nat said. I focused on all my energy on her heartbeat, listening to the gentle thud instead of the loud screams-

Wait, we were still in danger!

I felt my feet begin to walk as Nat dragged me away from the fireworks. We disappeared out of the crowd without anyone seeing as we turned the corner, facing a large forest which covered the grounds of this compound (of course Tony had more than one).

Nat placed her hand over my face pushing against my ear to muffle the noises of the guns and to push me further into her chest so I could hear her heartbeat louder.

"No. You don't understand. We have to go," I mumbled quickly, so quickly that Nat and Wands (who decided to help) barely heard me.

"Y/N/N it's ok. You're safe. You aren't there!" Wanda said loudly while caressing my face softly with her finger.

"They're here. We have to go! Now!" I shouted and fought with Nat's hands so I could save them.


Y/N fought with me, punching and kicking to be released, but they were so scared they were doing nothing. 

She looked up at me and I had to bite my tongue to stop myself from gasping.

Her eyes were bloodshot and face was as pale as a ghost. Her eyes were so far away, it was like she couldn't even see me.

"Why aren't you scared? They're back!" she shouted at me as she fought even harder and began crying and screaming for help, which no one could hear over the sound of the fireworks.

"She thinks you're back at The Red Room," Wanda whispered in my ear as she tried to comfort and calm my poor girl.

"Who's back medovyy (honey)?" I asked as I pulled her down to the ground so I could hold her better. I knew perfectly well who she'd say.

"Dreykov." She whispered as she froze, staring into the forest as if someone was there.

"Is he over there?" Wanda asked to which Y/N just nodded.

She had stopped fighting and just sat on my lap staring into the darkness. I knew she was seeing Dreykov.

"Honey, look at me!" I exclaimed and tapped on her cheeks trying to ground her from this flashback/hallucination. She refused to look at me and began muttering incoherent things which neither me nor Wanda could understand.

I met Wanda's eye and tapped my forehead with my finger then gestured to Y/N who was so far away, she wasn't even on my lap at this point.

Wanda nodded once, understanding completely.

"Y/N sweetie. You're going to begin to feel sleepy. Don't fight it, just let it take you, ok moya lyubov (my love)?" I explained not knowing if she could hear me or understand me. "It's all going to go away. Just relax." I felt her relax ever so slightly in my arms as she leant her head back on my shoulder. "Yeah, just like that!" I caressed her cheeks as Wanda began using her powers.

Swirls of red danced along her fingers before flying at me and Y/N, before entering her troubled mind.

I watched as Y/N tried to fight it, still too scared to comprehend what was happening.

Her eyes blinked profusely as she tried to stay awake, clutching onto as much reality as she could muster as Wanda pushed her into the land of sleep.

"Just relax. You're going to be ok. Let it take you. Just go to sleep," I said before then pressing a kiss to her forehead.

"Sorry Tash. Make it stop." She whimpered as she tried to stay awake.

"It will darling. It will. Just relax!" 

And with that, she was gone.

With Wanda's help, I picked her up and carried her to our room, placing her against the bed. My heart felt completely broken, having to watch as the person you love most in the world suffer while you standby not able to do anything.

Wanda gave me a tight hug while I muttered a feeble but grateful thanks.

"It's ok. Call me if you need anything!" She smiled softly before leaving the room.

"I'm sorry sweetheart. I'm so sorry." I whispered to Y/N once the door was shut.

It was all my fault!

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