Y/N MFing... - Natasha and Bruce (They/Them) ⧗✇

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I hurried down the steps being careful not to trip as I ran to the living room, not wanting to be any later for the party then I already was.

I surveyed the scene as I entered.

Wanda and Pietro were playing some sort of drinking game with Kate and Yelena. Steve and Bucky were making out in the corner of the room. Tony, Thor and Rhodey were all talking while Pepper stood at the side awkwardly. Peter was begging Nat for a drink as she manned the bar, whipping out multiple different cocktails while Bruce sat on a stool at the bar, drooling at Nat as he watched her.

I chuckled to myself as I watched Bruce think he had a chance with her.

Me and Nat hadn't gone public yet but now was the perfect time, not like anyone was going to remember it the next morning anyway.

I snuck up behind Nat and wrapped my arms around her, pulling her into my chest. Nat jumped slightly but relaxed after she saw it was me. I rested my chin against her broad shoulder as Bruce jumped from his seat angrily.

"Who are you? Let go of her!" Bruce shouted, slamming his hand down onto the table making all the glasses shake.

"I'm Y/N," Nat looked at me nervously, knowing what I was going to say. I grinned at her and continued. "Motherfucking Romanoff."

"Oh, you have another sibling," Bruce chuckled as he sat back down.

"Who said anything about a sibling?" I laughed but was greeted with an elbow to the ribs by Nat.

"Uhh no. Y/N is my spouse." Nat explained.

Bruce's mouth dropped as he stared at Nat.

"Uhh you. You have a... spouse?" Bruce questioned stupidly, acting like if he asked again our answer would change.

"Yep, they're my baby." Nat added as she turned and looked at me lovingly. Discreetly, I pecked her shoulder, beneath my chin, so no one could see, making her grin wider.

"You're a good match!" Bruce spat. 

He was never good at lying.

"Thank you Banner," I grinned knowing this newfound information was bugging him.

Not my fault Brutasha would be absolutely disgusting.

I hope you enjoyed this! Do you agree that Brutasha was disgustingly weird? Like the director had to pick the person she had the least chemistry with? Anyway, have a great day and I love you all 3,000!

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