Forgotten - Nat and Wanda

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"Happy birthday Peter! I know it's a bit late but here!" Tony shouted as he thrust a blue wrapped box in his arms. Peter grinned and wrapped the crinkly paper off quickly and gasped when he saw the latest Star Wars Legoset.

"Thank you so much Mister Stark!" Peter jumped up and hugged Tony tightly.

Tears burned my eyes and a sharp pain stabbed my chest as I looked down, pushing away every tear.

"When was it your birthday Sir Parker?" Thor asked politely as Bucky leant over to me.

"Ты в порядке, куколка?" Bucky whispered, making me look up.
(You ok, doll?)

I nodded. "Happy birthday Parker!" I cheered as he thanked me.

"Thanks Y/N! My birthday was Tuesday so not long ago!" Peter replied with a cheeky grin.

"We should have a party!" Tony announced loudly as he began preparing everything with Jarvis' assistance.

"I might give this a miss. I feel a bit ill." I muttered as everyone ignored me. I stood up and walked away beginning to struggle with holding my tears back.

Bucky grabbed my hand and stood in front of me, hands rested on my shoulders as he looked at me with pure love in his eyes. "Are you sure you're ok?" he asked kindly.

"I'm fine, Buck!" I pushed him away and went upstairs.

Tears dripped down my cheeks as their excited conversation for Parker's birthday began to fade as I ran up the stairs. I burst into my room and gasped.

Silver and gold balloons were dangling from every corner in the room with banners lighting up the wall and presents stacked neatly on top of our shared desk.

"Happy birthday Y/N/N!" Wanda and Nat shouted, flourishing their hands in excitement as I looked around gobsmacked.

"You remembered?" I whispered as they walked over to me, seeing my tear stained cheeks.

Red wisps circled around my body as they made the door shut with a gentle click. Wanda wrapped her arms around my neck from behind me as Nat cupped my cheeks with her palms, swiping the tears away while Wanda peppered kisses on my shoulders.

"What's wrong hun?" Nat asked as she looked at me worriedly.

"You can tell us anything!" Wanda added as her lips sweeped across my collarbone making me sigh slightly.

"They forget my birthday and are going to celebrate Peter's," I whimpered as I looked up at Nat. Tears blurred my vision once again and dripped down my face.

"Oh sweetie," Wanda mumbled as she came around me and stood in front of me, next to Natasha. Nat wrapped her arm around Wanda's waist as they both picked up one of my hands, squeezing slightly.

"What do you want to do tonight darling? We could go out or order fast food and binge your favourite movies?" Wanda suggested.

"No. It's ok. Don't worry about it. I'm just going to go to the bathroom." I said with a fake smile. I pulled away and turned to the door. Nat grabbed my wrist and pulled me back, making me stumble slightly.

"We aren't that stupid Y/N/N," Nat said gently as she pulled me gently into her chest.

I buried my face in her neck as she rubbed my back and Wanda played with my hair and played with my fingers.

"Why don't I order some pizza, we get into some pjs and have a sitcom night? I could also grab a tub of your favourite ice cream!" Wanda said, which made me smile slightly.

I pulled away and nodded making Wanda squeal with excitement.

"You always make our birthdays special, so we're going to do the same to you. And maybe later, we'll show you how much you mean to us," Nat said as she curled my hair around my ear and Wanda gently placed her fingers on my ass.

"But pizza first!" Wanda shouted, making me groan and Nat laugh.

We all got changed and Nat grabbed the pizza and ice cream along with my favourite drinks.

Wanda put on our favourite sitcoms and shows as we huddled under the blankets.

I curled up so my head was resting on Wanda's chest and my back was facing Nat. Nat's hands wrapped around my torso, pulling me into her as she rested her head on my shoulder. All our legs were intertwined as Nat rested one of her hands on my hip, rubbing gently as the other held both mine and Wanda's hand, giving us both love.

We gorged on pizza and ice cream as we binged all our favourite shows and films, both laughing and crying together as we just revelled in the feeling of each other's warmth and love.

"I love you both so much," I whispered making Nat and Wanda share a giddy grin.

"I love you more detka," I moaned slightly as Nat began to suck and nibble on my neck.

"We both love you so much sweetheart!" Wanda added as she caressed my face with her fingers.

I hope you enjoyed this. I'm hoping to make a part 2 with this (with smut, if you would want that) and a part 2 of Dead Wife as I did leave it on a bit of a cliffhanger. Let me know if you'd read that! I love you all so much and if you have any suggestions, let me know! I love you all 3,000!!

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