Not Ok - Marvel Girls

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"Are you ok Y/N?" Wanda asked, snapping me out of my thoughts as I turned to face her. Her face was coated with worry as she looked at me nervously.

"I'm fine, why?" I replied quickly, turning my head so I wasn't looking at anyone.

"You've gone quiet," Nat said as she took a seat beside me. "You don't call." She continued.

"And nothing's funny, anymore." Carol said as she knelt down on the floor in front of me, resting her hands on my thighs.

"And we'll keep trying to help you heal." Yelena said as she rested her arms on the back of the sofa behind me and placed her hands against my shoulders.

"We'll stop you crying and dry your tears," Wanda added as tears began to well in my eyes as my high-built walls began to collapse.

"I don't want this to break you," I whispered as I kept my eyes down at my hands as I pulled at them and swirled my rings around. "But I've got no one else to talk to." My voice cracked slightly as I spoke, finally revealing how much I was hurting.

"I don't know if you mean everything to me," Carol said as she took my hands in her own and caressed my knuckles with her thumbs.

"And I wonder can I give you what you needed," Yelena added as she brushed her hands across my shoulders and arms.

"Don't want to find I've lost it all." I murmured as Nat and Wanda put their arms around me as they all comforted me. "Too scared to have no one to call." I whispered.

"We are here for you Y/N." Wanda said with a soft smile.

"You're not alone Y/N/N. Not anymore," Carol added as she pressed a kiss against my knuckles.

"You can't get rid of us that easily." Yelena chuckled as I leant against the sofa so I was looking up at her. "We love you Y/N," Yelena said and pressed a kiss against my nose making me smile.

"I love you guys," I looked around at everyone.

"We know," Nat said as she pulled me into her side and kissed the side of my head.

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