Nightmare - Nat, Wanda and Yelena ᗢ

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Background: Y/N was kidnapped when they were little and had to witness horrific things, one of which is seeing my two friends (Rose and Hazel), who were also kidnapped and killed in front of them. After that, the Avengers found them.

Y/N has a nightmare in front of all the avengers after they fell asleep at movie night. Wanda, Nat and Yelena help comfort them.



"Rose! Hazel!" I screamed with tears streaming down my face as I thrashed against the restraints, desperate to save them. My throat ran dry as I continued to scream. Blood dripped down their body as they slumped forward. Mr Death grabbed them and pulled them away from this cruel, vicious world. I begged for him to take me with him. But it wasn't my time so he disappeared taking the girls' precious souls with him.

I shot up. Sweat dripped down my forehead as I looked around. I circled my fingers around my wrists were the restraints were cutting into them. Nothing was on them. Everyone was staring at me, unsure of what to do but I didn't care. 

I felt tears drip down my cheeks as I relived the horrors of their murders. 

"They shouldn't have died. They didn't deserve it. It was all my fault," I whimpered, gasping for breath as I continued to pant. I couldn't focus on anything as my anxiety rose into my stomach, spinning and churning like an acid. I pulled my legs into my chest, muttering things to myself barely acknowledging the Avengers' presence.

Nat's warm arms pulled me into her body. I buried my face in her shoulder as tears continued to drip, soaking the front of her shirt. Her warm hands ran up and down my back as she whispered sweet comforts into my ear.

I could hear hushed whispers behind me while Nat comforted me.

I didn't care what they were saying. 

It was just my luck to fall asleep at movie night and end up having a nightmare.

After a while, I felt totally numb. I pulled out of Nat's hug and avoided everyone's eyes as they watched me cautiously, like I was a bomb about to go off. 

I pulled the blue fluffy blanket back over me trying to hide my shaky arms. I rose from the sofa and walked towards the back door, which was, for some reason, already open. 

The cool air nipped at my cheeks as I staggered into the pitch black. I could feel my fingers shaking and my knees twitching, threatening to knock me over.
I didn't care.
I could feel everyone's eyes staring at my back but I kept walking with no destination in mind.

I collapsed in the middle of the garden. The tall green grass tickled my ankles as I sat down. I ran my fingers through the scratchy grass and the soil allowing it to stain my fingers. I focused all my energy on the feeling of the Earth beneath me trying to calm my shaking limbs and breathlessness.

I folded the blanket into a little pillow and laid my head against it, taking in the view of every star. I admired every twinkle of every silver star. I often imagined they were up there, watching over me; probably unlikely but comforting. 

The crunch of footsteps behind me pulled me from my distant thoughts.
I couldn't be bothered to turn around.

Two figures sat on either side of me, leaving me sandwiched in the middle of them. I twirled my rings around my fingers as I spoke quietly and softly. "I'm sorry."

I looked up to see who was next to me.

Nat and Yelena. 

I sat up and leant my head against Lena's shoulder and she wrapped her arm around me pulling me closer to her body. Her warm breath flew across my head disturbing a few of my stray hairs as my body warmed up due to having her so close. She was like a radiator.

"Let's get you to bed sweetheart," Nat piped up as her fingers became lost in the curls of my hair.

I shook my head in response, feeling totally paralysed with fear of just the thought of seeing those poor girls being killed again and hearing their ruthless screams.

Sensing my discomfort and fear, she spoke again. "How about we go get Wanda and she can control your dreams?"

I relaxed a little at this suggestion and nodded not trusting my voice. 

Yelena's hands wrapped around me, picking me up gently. I wrapped my little legs around her curved hips and buried my head into the crease of her neck letting her hair cover my face. 

The widows, the toughest assassins in the world, had a soft spot for little me.
It was a comforting thought.

Nat picked up the blanket and walked alongside us as Yelena carried me back to the compound. Yelena quickened her pace, hurrying past all the other Avengers. 

She carried me to my bedroom with Wanda tagging along. 

Yelena lowered me onto my bed. My head crashed onto the pillow as I yawned loudly. 

Wanda sat by my head gently, keeping a close eye on me. I moved my weary head onto her thighs. 

I could feel tiredness begin to sweep across my body. I fought it, terrified to have another nightmare. 

"Ssh. Just go to sleep," Wanda soothed as my eyes began to droop. "I promise nothing will happen." She placed a kiss on my forehead, beginning to run her fingers across my cheek and arms to relax me. 

I began to feel lighter as I floated into the world of dreams.

Hope you enjoyed this. I will be updating my other stories hopefully tomorrow. If you have any requests for these one-shots either comment on here or message me, I will reply either way.

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