Self Harm - Natasha and Peter Parker ⧗🕸️

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Warning: This will have some sensitive topics within it. I hope you enjoy this. Also if you do ever feel like this, please talk to someone. I know how difficult it can be but please never start to self-harm, it's difficult to stop, almost like an addiction. But yeah, I hope you're all ok and just know I care about you, yes even you right there. There's always a reason to keep going! I love you all 3,000!

I ran into the bathroom, slamming the door shut and locking it quickly. The door rattled in the frame from the impact of my slam. My breathing was ragged as I pulled at the collar of my shirt, trying to give myself room to breathe. I could feel my heartbeat loud and clear in my chest as it got louder and faster with each second. My knees buckled to the floor with another loud bang. I crawled towards the cabinet in the bathroom. I reached with my shaking hands for the razor. I bashed it as hard as I could to get the blade out. 

Before too long, the blade fell out with a gentle clink out of the plastic covering, equipping me with a dangerous weapon.

With no hesitation, I pulled my long sleeves up on my cotton shirt and stabbed myself in the arm. I winced as I dragged the blade along my skin, opening more and more cuts along my previously faded scars. My hands shook even more as my body desperately tried to pull the blade away but my hand stayed strong and caressed my skin with the razor sharp edge of the blade.

Tears streamed down my face, staining the front of my shirt as my breathing hitched but slowly began to slow. I took longer and slower breaths to help with the pain, forcing me to calm down.

"Y/N, you ok?" I heard Peter call from the door. I heard him bang against the door as he tried to open it. 

I had no idea how long he had been there.

"Y/N, please open the door!" he called again, growing louder with each syllable as his panic grew.

My blood rolled like a stream across my arm before running off my arm and landing in a small puddle below me. It swam across the bathroom floor as my movements began to slow with fatigue as the pain overtook my body, giving exhaustion control of my body.

"Peter, what's going on?" I heard Nat say from the other side of the door.

I fought back the exhaustion as the darkness began to overwhelm my body, that's when I realised how deep the cuts were.

I leant myself against the wall of the bathroom as I blinked furiously trying to keep my eyes open. You know what, who cares if I die?

"Y/N's hurting themselves again!" Peter explained, he was a really loud talker.

"Y/N, it's Nat." the door creaked slightly as Nat leant against it, speaking loudly but slowly with no panic in her voice, but it was obvious she was scared.
She wanted nothing more than to get into that bathroom.

"Can you please open the door?" she begged as she rested her hand against the handle, not trying to pull it open or anything.

I questioned her actions with the little energy I had remaining. I would've thought that she would have busted down the door.

"It's ok if you can't. I want you to know I'm not leaving. I won't." Nat continued. Tears welled in her eyes as she continued to speak. "I'm staying right here Y/N."

"What? Nat, what are you doing?" Peter shouted with no anger but only fear and worry evident in his voice.

"I can't help Y/N unless they trust me. And they won't trust me if I barge in there."

I nodded as that did make sense. And yeah she was right.
Well, it's Romanoff.
She's always right!

"They have to make the choice to open the door." she continued as the door creaked again, due to Nat turning to Peter as she stopped leaning against the door.

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