You Tricked Me - All Avengers (They/Them)

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"Y/N!" Yelena screamed making me jump and flinch away slightly.

I looked up and saw Lena. "What? Nothing. Hi!" I replied with a soft smile.

"Y/N, we have found something most serious," Vision stepped forward as he spoke, making me a little nervous as everyone began to surround me.

"What is it?" I asked curiously. Everyone looked around in confusion except Lena, Vision and Pietro.

"Your parents. They're here, man!" Pietro said excitedly.

"I thought they were dead," I mumbled sadly.

"No. No, they're here!" Vision said loudly.

"Wha- Where are they?" I asked, jumping up from the sofa.

"Just on the other side of that door," Lena said before turning to point at the door at the end of the room.

"Wait, Y/N!" Nat tried to say but I was too excited to hear her.

I was going to see my parents again!

I ran to the closed door as fast as I could. "Mum! Dad! I'm coming! I missed you so much!" I shouted, completely overwhelmed with happiness and excitement.

I got to the door and flung it open, making it smash into the wall behind it.

Suddenly, a large vat of green slime smashed onto my body from a bucket above the door which was swinging carelessly above the door, held up by some string.

A loud laughter echoed around me as tears began to drip down my cheeks. My chest felt tight with anger and embarrassment. How could they use the idea of my parents against me?  My hands began to shake as I stood there.

"April fools!" Yelena, Vision and Pietro screamed as I turned to face everyone.

Wanda had her mouth covered with her hand in shock, Natasha was seething with rage and Tony looked down in disappointment. Everyone else was either laughing or glaring at the pranksters.

"What is wrong with you idiots?" Nat stormed over to all of them and slapped them upon the head as her face completely contorted with rage.

"I'm sorry kid," Steve said kindly as Bucky's eyes welled with tears.

"That was messed up," Peter murmured sadly.

"You tricked me," I muttered as my cheeks blushed with colour and hands continued to shake.

"You tricked me!" I laughed loudly trying to hide my anger and sadness.

"That was just mean," Kate said as she shot a glare at Lena.

"That was the best prank!"

"The best!" Pietro added as he joined the others in a high wave.

"You guys are just assholes!" Nat shouted 

"Come on! Don't be a downer Natasha!" I said as I fake laughed again through my tears.

"Come here detka," Nat soothed as she took my hand and led me to her room.

I cried myself to sleep that night.

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