Just a Dream - Natasha ⧗

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My laughter echoed around the compound as Nat's rough hands, playfully, pushed me off the large sofa. I hiccuped with tears of happiness as I rolled around on the floor trying to stop laughing at Nat. Everytime, I met her eyes or even her face I laughed harder.

She sat up straight on the sofa, her back as straight as a line. My laughter subsided but my goofy grin didn't.

Her warm fingers entangled around mine as she pulled me up off the dusty floor.

She spun me round so my back was facing her and her muscular arms wrapped around my stomach gently pulling me backwards so I was sitting on her lap. I leant my head back onto her shoulder and looked up at her.

"Why, hello there!" She said in her poshest voice.

"Fancy seeing you here. In your lap!" I chuckled as her grin widened at my silly joke.

"Come here, you idiot." She replied laughing as she turned me around so I was still on her firm lap but now facing her.

I acted very offended, clapping my hand to my chest. "I am YOUR idiot! I'll have you know."

She rubbed her nose against mine, making my cheeks redden.

She pulled back and rolled her eyes playfully. "Yes, yes. You're my idiot. How could I forget?"

Her hands grazed up and down my thighs softly as the room fell into a comfortable silence.

Slowly, I wrapped my arms around her neck and shuffled along her lap so I was closer to her. I buried my face into her neck, causing my face to become covered by her red locks. I sighed contentedly.

I had never felt more at home or safe then when I was in her arms.
It was a feeling you couldn't replace!

Her warms arms slowly entwined themselves around my neck pulling me into a close hug. Her lips softly graced against the top of my head. I could feel her smile gently as she did that.
I loved her so much.

"I love you so much detka!" She muttered, hiding her face in my scalp. I could hear tears choking her throat but I didn't want to question it. I just wanted to lavish in the feeling of her warmth and love.

Her slow exhales raced against my head, tickling me slightly. I stayed in her arms smiling, unsure of her melancholy behaviour; she was acting like she was never to going to see me again, holding me so tight almost like I was a dream or mist about to slip away any moment now.

"I love you too Tasha!" I replied and squeezed my arms tightly, never ever wanting to let go.

Steve's loud footsteps echoed around the living room as he entered with a grave look on his face.

If I knew what I know now back then, I would have never let her leave that room, let alone go on that mission.

"Time to go Nat!" He called as he smiled gently at me.
He was terrified, I could tell.

I climbed off her and resumed my position on the sofa, allowing Nat to get up.

"I love you dorogoy!" She scrunched her eyes shut and nested her forehead against mine.

"You better come back!" I joked softly, not wanting to cry but feeling the wall of tears building, threatening to break the dam of my fake strength at any moment.

"I'll see you soon." She strutted out of the living room sniffling and not even turning to look back at me.
She was crying.
She was terrified.

If only I knew what I know now!

I still remember receiving the news.

I sat at my desk shuffling through sheets of my music. Love songs, all dedicated to Nat that I had always refused to play her, too embarrassed of my voice.

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