Dead Wife - Nat

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I stayed laying in bed, staring at the wall, still completely numb with emotions. I didn't know how much time had passed and honestly I didn't care! 

A light knock on the door and the creaking of it as it opened pulled me out of my racing thoughts.

"Nat? We have a meeting. You need to come down." Wanda called as she shut the door and sat by me. She rubbed my back as I ignored her. "Come on sweetheart!"

Slowly, I sat up and leant into Wanda as she helped me. She wiped away my stray tears as I remained lost in my thoughts.

She gently pulled me up and walked me out of the room.

Before I knew it, I was inside the debrief room surrounded by the mourning Avengers with Ross standing in front of us all. Wanda sat next to me on the left with Bucky on the other side, both subtly comforting me.

"You all know why you are all here right?" Ross started as he rested the tips of his fingers against the table. "The death of Y/N Romanoff-"

Everyone either looked down or stared at me. Y/N was the greatest we ever had and her death had ruined all of us.

"She meant a lot to all of us." Ross continued as I just glared at him. "Family. Wife. Friend-"

"What is the point in all of this?" I shouted making everyone either smile slightly or agree.

"To talk agent Romanoff."He gently replied but with no sincerity.

"What? About my dead wife?" I shouted, furious with the audacity of Ross.

"Just let me explain-"

"No! I think we've heard enough," Steve sternly said, interrupting Ross.

"Fine! She will be forgotten about anyways so what's the point?" Ross huffed and left the room and compound.

"Sir, there is someone outside of the compound. They are trying to break in!" Jarvis' voice filled the room making everyone look at each other full of worry.

"Pull up security footage!" Tony ordered and the images and live footage flooded the walls of the room.

"That looks like..." Bucky began to say before his voice trailed away.

"That's impossible." Steve said as he stood up.

"Jarvis, identify the intruder." Tony muttered.

"The intruder is Y/N Y/M/N Romanoff." The AI replied.

"Oh my god!" I crashed against my chair, feeling like I was about to pass out.

I hope you enjoyed this. Would you want a part 2 for this? I love you all 3,000 and hope you have a great day!!

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