It Was You - All Avengers

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The party was in full swing. 

Everyone wanted to celebrate the full of Hydra and the success of the Avengers' strength and will and determination.
It was an incredible moment.

Loud pop music echoed around the room, blasting from strong speakers as drinks were made and quickly guzzled by people eagerly taking to the dancing floor. Swirls of colours bounced around the room from pretty dresses, smart suits and the large glittery disco ball Tony had installed only mere hours ago.

As time went on, soon most of Stark's guests had left and it was just members of Shield and those who lived in the compound.

We played games, talked and relished in our success.

It was one of the most bloodiest battles we had ever encountered with nearly all of us being critically injured or facing death at one point or another.

But the destruction of one of the most evil corporations on Earth crumbling to dust made all the bruises, scars and stitches almost vanish with the arrogance of our success.

"Here's to the Avengers!" Tony yelled, making everyone laugh as we all clinked our glasses together. 

"You all did utterly incredible!" Steve said proudly as we all smiled at him, playfully rolling our eyes at his obsession with teamwork and unity, standing together as one family; possibly a belief gained from his time in the army.

"Did you see how Wanda blew up the base? It was all her! But the rest of you did pretty good too though, I guess." Natasha teased as everyone scoffed and grumbled jokingly.

"On a more serious note, I'd like to propose a toast to Y/N Y/L/N. Without her skill, knowledge and cunning ability to think quickly on her feet, this achievement would not be possible. Here's to Y/N!" Fury announced as everyone smiled and looked at me causing me to blush red in response.

"To Y/N!" Everyone cheered as they tapped their cups again with proud faces.

"Good job, Lady Y/N!" Thor clapped his hand against my back with a wide smirk as everyone sipped their drinks.

"Oh come on guys. I did nothing!" I laughed nervously, thinking my contributions were merely amateur with no real meaning or gain.

"That's not true." Tony replied with a proud smile as he raised his glass to me. "You did incredibly kid." Tony smiled reassuringly as everyone seconded it.

"You stopped Rumlow from calling his minions and kept him distracted. That definitely deserves a praise." Nat placed her hand on my knee and squeezed it gently with a soft smile as she reassured me.

"Nat's right doll. That can't have been easy. We all know that and none of us were strong enough to do it. You were!" Bucky jumped in and topped up my drink.

"They're right darling." Wanda whispered in my ear discreetly as she made it look like she was fixing my hair.

"You were way better than your sister. She would have crumbled." Tony laughs as he stood up to get another drink.

I stiffened and everyone else's eyes were suddenly anywhere but on me.
A vast change from just a couple minutes ago.

"She was afraid of everything!" Tony continued, laughing loudly as he spun round holding his full glass. "Remember guys?"

"Oh yeah!" Clint laughed as he clapped Tony's shoulder. "Who could forget?"

Steve and Thor joined in with the laughter as did Maria as I sat there totally confused and lost.

"What are you guys talking about?" I asked with a nervous chuckle.

"Your sister?" Tony answered as if he was surprised I wasn't laughing along.

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