You're THE... - Loki (They/Them)

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Y/N watches Toy Story and it gets the better of them.

I approached the cell as Loki glared at me carefully, almost like he was trying to calculate and predict every one of my moves.

He had been interrogated numerous times so I had to be careful about the way I approached it. I mean, this person had been accused of killing 80 people in two days so I needed a careful but effective strategy.

I approached his cell with a mocking smile as I laughed to myself, making Loki raise his eyebrows in confusion.

"So you actually think, you're THE God of Mischief?" I said while laughing, making him roll his eyes. "Oh all this time, I thought it was an act!" I yelled dramatically as I acted in full amazement at just the sight of Loki.

He was definitely going to kill me after this!

"Hey guys, look! It's the real God of Mischief!" I yelled, pretending there was someone behind me. 

"You're mocking me, aren't you?" He said surprisingly nicely and calmly which if anything frightened me more, but I still refused to drop the act.

Fury and Nat were definitely going to kill me after this but I can't wait to see Lena's face.
She'd 100% approve!

"Oh no no no no no no-" 

"Loki, look! It's the Tesseract!" I screamed dramatically as I pointed behind him.

"Where?" He screamed as he jumped around, looking everywhere as he scanned the room frantically for the cube.

I began choking on my laughter as I kneeled myself to the floor before I collapsed.
I can't believe he fell for it!!
I began wheezing as I laughed harder and harder while Loki looked at me with the face of pure death and evil.

"If I confess, do you leave?" Loki sighed as I wiped away my tears and sat up, still giggling slightly.

"Mhm," I hummed as I grinned at him. "You're stuck with me!" I said before cheekily grinning.

"Great..." He muttered as he rolled his eyes. "Fine! Metal Man, I killed them all. Now get this crazy physco out of here!" He screamed as he punched his fist against the glass.

"Nice work Y/N," Fury announced through the tannoy. "Finally your annoyingness has been worth something!" Fury continued.

I bowed in front of the camera, knowing I made Fury question his decision in hiring me. But oh well, too late now.

I walked out of the cell room, victorious!!

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