Flashbacks - Steve and Wanda (They/Them)

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"Why?" I said looking up at Steve.

"Because I am your father's friend, that's why!" Steve said getting louder with each second.

"So what?" I shouted back with tears prickling at my eyes.

"Don't you yell at me Y/N!" Steve replied firmly.

I knew everyone was listening but I didn't care.

"I'll yell at you all I want! Blablabla!" I screamed at Steve as tears dripped down my cheeks which were hot with anger. "I'm not being a stupid Avenger!"

"Right! That's it! You are going to be an Avenger and you're going to like it. And that's the end!"

"I hate you! I hate you! I wish you died and not my daddy (Tony)!" I yelled as more tears fell.

"I hate you right back you little shit! You and your father took my life away and I just want it back!"

I froze as I looked up at Steve. How could he say such things?

I don't bother wiping my tears as I remained motionless, completely numb.

"How dare you say that to them, you mewling quim!" Loki shouted as he jumped up from the sofa to defend me.

"Steve!" Nat shouted as she stood in front of me, interrupting Loki.

"Steve how could you say that?" Rhodes said loudly.

"I really thought better of you Steve!" Bucky shouted causing Steve's eyes to glisten with hurt.

Steve crouched down to my height and tried to hug me, pulling me by the arm into him. I punched, hit and kicked him as Bucky tackled Steve to the floor making him let go of me.

"Come on sweetie." Nat said gently as she picked me up. I buried my head into her neck as her fingers entangled themselves in my hair as she walked me to her room.

The flashbacks flooded my mind as I collapsed to the floor sobbing.

That happened after Tony's death and Steve took custody of me; it was all a few years ago now but the shouting and flashbacks still flooded my mind from time to time.

I clasped my hand over my mouth as I laid my chest against the grey carpet in my room.

My door creaked open and Wanda walked in. She knelt down beside me. Tears were dripping down my cheeks. She was at my door reading my mind the whole time.

"Come here honey!" Wanda said loudly as she pulled me off the floor and tried to wipe my continuous flow of tears with her thumbs as she cupped my face gently. Carefully, she pulled me into her warm chest and I nestled my head so I could hear her heartbeat.

Slowly, she pulled me onto her lap fully before standing up and laying me in the bed with all my body still on top of her. Her fingers made their way through my hair as she kissed my forehead.

"Sshh. You're ok sweetheart. It's ok. I'm here!" Wanda said as I cried and continued to sob. "Just go to sleep bubs," she said after placing another kiss on the top of my head as her fingers brushed against my forehead. "I'm right here! I've got you!" I picked her hand up and clasped it in my fingers. I pressed a kiss against her knuckles as I began to slowly calm down. My sobs turned into gentle hiccups as I focused on the feelings of Wanda's skin instead of the continuous flashbacks racing inside my brain. "I'll never let anything happen to you again." She said comfortingly. I laid my hand down on my pillow with her fingers still wrapped in mine and held it close to my face so she could probably feel my quick exhales.

"I miss my dad so much!" I whimpered.

"I know honey, I know. But he would be so proud of how well you're doing. Trust me! He is still here with you and he still loves you even if he isn't here to tell you! Just go to sleep honey. I won't let anything happen. I promise!"

Eventually, her words relaxed me just enough for my exhaustion to wash over my body and drag me down into sleep.

When I woke up the next morning, she was still there.

"You stayed?" I said as my voice cackled.

Her eyes were covered in bags and she looked so tired but still her fingers caressed my cheeks and my forehead as I looked at her.

"I never break a promise!"

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