Manipulation - Natasha

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Y/N used to work for Hydra and Natasha pretended to fall in love with her to get information.

"It wasn't real." Nat said harshly. Her voice shook slightly in the meeting room. Her eyes stayed pinpointed on me rather than looking around at all the other Avengers whom were witnessing this unfold.

My chest instantly tightened at these words and tears welled up but I forced them back; not wanting to gain anymore sympathy from her. "What?" I muttered gobsmacked as my eyes flickered, almost like I was trying to fathom the most confusing puzzle that could ever exist.

"That wasn't real. Who cares?" Nat scoffed with a deadly tone as she shook her head as if she was in disbelief to me reacting to these hurtful words.

Oh, I'm so sorry that I'm evoking emotion after the fact my 'girlfriend' manipulated me for information by pretending to be in love with me for three years!

"Don't say that." I said quickly, lowering my head and shaking it as I sniffed back tears. I looked back up at her, not bothering to hide the pain you could see leaking through my eyes as my pupils grew glassy and small paths of water ran down my cheeks. "Please, don't say that."

"Nat, stop! This isn't fair." Steve interrupted but I just ignored his words and looked past his pitiful words just staring at Natasha, completely appalled at her narcissistic behaviour.

"It was real." I mumbled, my voice breaking causing me to hiccup and my words to whirl around the room slowly. "It was real to me!" I shouted, taking a few by surprise as Nat looked at me, calculating me, like she's done my whole life.
But only now do I realise what that look truly meant?
"You were my first love." I admitted. "You were my first love and this is what I get for it. Rewarded with betrayal." Anger slowly began to stain my voice as my emotions started to completely overwhelm me, rash decisions and sharp words becoming more likely.

"Don't make this worse Y/L/N," Tony warned with a glare.

I just laughed.

"Or what? What could you possibly do to me that hasn't already been done. I mean credit to Romanoff..." I chuckled darkly before continuing as more tears reddened my eyelids and cheeks. "I never thought a broken heart would be more painful than I don't know... waterboarding!" I laughed again as Bucky and Wanda stiffened.

Me and them had really bonded over our shared experiences with Hydra. I now understand why they were so interested in my time there. Not to consult me or to have me confide in someone, no! Rather to continue me living my life as a guinea pig, to be used again and again by uncaring and evil people.

I stayed silent for a few moments before continuing.

"The best part of my life was fake... And none of you told me." I whispered as I wiped my face with my sleeve. I stood up quickly, my knees hitting the desk making it shake and my chair to leave and hit the floor with a loud bang. The Avengers jumped up too. Nat's fingers grabbed her gun but didn't pull it out.

I whistled lowly as I smirked.

"Three years and you still don't trust me... you trusted me enough to tell me hmm... I don't know... about Dreykov and the Red Room." Nat visibly stiffened and I saw her face drop before she expertly concealed her emotions. I laughed again, louder this time though. "You think I don't remember... Dreykov's daughter!" I grinned and walked over to her, swatting Steve's hands pushing me back and using my powers to block Wanda's red sparks.

"You're a monster. I had to use you. Now I know for definite why." She glared at me, fists clenched as we stared into each other's eyes.

That action used to make me fold but now it was enough for me to commit some sort of crime.

"I'm the monster!" I laughed loudly, causing Nat to flinch slightly and shudder. "Take a long hard look in the mirror my darling." I caressed her cheek with my finger for a couple seconds before she pushed me back.

"Get out! Now!" She screamed at me, grabbing her gun out of the holster.

"Ooh ouch! Warning, widows... they bite." I chuckled darkly yet again as I clapped my chest with my hand dramatically as I started to move back, exiting the meeting room.

"Goodbye Y/N Y/L/N." Tony said coldly as they walked me back towards the doors

"I thought you were different." Bucky grumbled as he grabbed my arm, dragging me to the exit.

"Right back at ya." I punched him in the chest, forcing him to let me go as I walked out the exit.

I waved goodbye dramatically as they all glared at me.

"Tough crowd." I whistled again. "Just remember this, you are not the real heroes of this story! Fury may have you believe that the Avengers is just built on compassion and unity and harmony. News flash, it isn't! You are just as monstrous as Dreykov and Rumlow and Loki. You're not special. The only difference is... us villains, if you'd like to use that word accept we might not be perfect but we are reaching our goal. However, the Avengers, or heroes are just villains who can't accept that. And guess what? The heroes are always the must dangerous because they don't know when to stop."

And with that, I walked away never to commit crime or see the Avengers again, well in person. They were impossible to avoid with their frequent interviews on live television and pictures on the tabloid pretty much daily.

"But anyway, kindness blah blah yadda yadda

I'm kidding. 

My real message is embrace who you are, you can't hide away from it. If you don't... sooner or later... it'll catch up to you."

The bullet seared through my skull as those final words left my lips.

Y/N's body slumped in the chair they were tied up in and a general with a metal arm and a witch to his left with red powers emerging from her fingertips raised their fists.

"Execution of Y/N Y/L/N. Punishment for sharing Hydra information to the Avengers." Bucky spoke loudly, making sure his voice was heard on the camera.

"Let this be a warning to all." Wanda spoke as the camera turned to show the Avengers, all gagged with ropes and chains covering their body with blood seeping from their slit necks and their still hearts.

"We will be watching you all."

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