I'm Only Human - All Avengers (They/Them)

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Lena flew the Quinjet back as we all sat in silence, desperately trying to stay awake.

Ross thought it was a good idea to send the 'newbies' on a mission to test their strength. The mission was successful but it was so difficult without any of the 'OG Avengers'. We all got hurt in someway and we all felt defeated. I was the youngest agent Shield had ever had, starting at 12 and was promoted to Avenger at 14. I'm 15 now, Parker is 17, Kate is 19 and Lena 20; aka too young to do a mission by themselves, but Ross didn't have that logical thinking. Everyone begged for him not to send us without anyone with experience but he declined swiftly and because of his mistake we paid the price.

"I'm gonna kill Ross," I whimpered.

"I'll help!" Kate said breathlessly as she laid her head back.

Eventually, the Quinjet landed and we all limped out, holding on to each other for support.

Kate, Lena and Parker went to the lab but I couldn't be bothered.

I walked into the living room where everyone was. I clutched to every object to help me walk until I collapsed onto the sofa wincing slightly.

"Are you ok Y/N?" Steve asked.

I sat up slowly, wincing with every movement my body made. "What do you think?" I whispered.

"Is that your blood?" Nat asked and pointed at my hip. The blood was making my suit stick to the wound which was a pain no one should ever have to experience.

I covered it quickly with my hand. "I'm ok!" I said as loud as possible which in reality was barely a whimper.

I didn't want them to see me weak. They can take down a Hydra base by themselves but the four of us could barely do it when working as a team.

Everyone exchanged looks and stared at my broken and disheveled state. Bruce walked in with Peter, Lena and Kate following behind as they all headed upstairs. "I don't think you're ok Y/N. Come to the lab and I can help you. I'm not going to hurt you!" Bruce said as he walked over and sat next to me, trying to pull my hand away from the cut.

"I said I'm ok!" I shouted.

"Y/N/N, please let us help you." Wanda said carefully and kindly as she sat on the other side of me.

"Y/N, we only want to help." Steve said loudly as everyone looked at me sadly.

"Well, I'm ok. So please leave me alone..." I whimpered as I fought past my tears.

"I'm going to kill Ross! He knew he shouldn't sent you all!" Natasha and Bucky yelled.

"It's his fault. I'm just weak." I replied making everyone look at me as if I was crazy.

"You're not weak Y/N." Nat said as she knelt in front of me and carefully held my hand being careful of the cuts and scrapes covering it.

"You're just a kid. You should have never been expected to take down a Hydra base with other kids." Wanda said as she slowly wrapped her arm around my shoulder. I shuffled slightly so I was leaning against her.

"But Lena's 20. She's not a kid!" I expressed with confusion.

"Y/N, my sister is the biggest kid here!" Nat said giggling slightly which made me smirk lightly.

"Come on honey. We can go with you if you want." Wanda said as she kissed the top of my head.

I sighed and nodded. "Ok!"

"Ok. Come here sweetheart. I'll help you," Wanda said as she gently pulled me to my feet with Nat's help.

Suddenly, Ross walked in. "Y/N, you've got another mission go!" He yelled which made me flinch slightly.

"No! She's hurt. I'll go!" Bucky said.

"If she was hurt, Bruce would have logged it. Now, go!" He yelled once again.

"No." I whimpered looking down at the floor.

"What did you say to me Y/L/N?" Ross said as he walked closer to me.

I shrugged off Nat and Wanda and stepped closer to him, biting my lip so he wouldn't see my pain.

"Take a look in the mirror and what do you see? Do you see it clearer or are you deceived in what you believe? Cause I'm only human after all. You're only human after all, don't put the blame on me!" I shouted at Ross, jabbing a finger in his face as I got closer and closer making him back up.

"How does it feel Ross? That strong young (gender)  is stronger and tougher than you'll ever be and they're only about a 1/3 of your age!" Tony yelled at Ross as he stormed away.

"Ok that was amazing. But you need some help now!" Nat said as she took my by the arms.

"No! I'm the toughest Avenger ever!" I shouted which made the others laugh.

"We can't win with you (title) Y/N!" Thor laughed.

"What do you mean?" I asked in confusion.

"You didn't want help because you didn't want to be seen as weak but now you don't want help because you now think you're the toughest and strongest Avenger!" Nat explained as she laughed.

"We can't win with you!" Wanda added, laughing harder.

"But I am the toughest Avenger!" I added.

"Wanna bet?" Thor shouted as he walked over.

"Haha, you're on Handyman!" I shouted as everyone laughed at the name I just called him.

"Fight!" Sam yelled, eager for this fight.

"No!" Wanda, Nat and Bucky yelled as they dragged me away to Medbay.

"Oh come on! I could have had him!" I shouted laughing.

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