TREAT - All Avengers

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"Hey, do you guys wanna go get some  d e s s e r t?" Yelena said as she walked into the living room.

I looked up at her and smiled and waved. She patted my head as she walked past me and sat next to Natasha on the sofa. 

I didn't have a clue what they were talking about.

"Yeah dude. I need me a  t r e a t." Steve said in response.

I picked up my sketchbook and continued to trace and draw across the soft paper. My pencil sketched and glided across the book as I created a portrait of the Avengers using a photo on my phone for reference.

"What you guys talking about?" I asked as I laid sprawled across the living room as I listen to their strange conversation.

"Yeah, why did you guys just spell dess-" Peter began to say with a laugh as I looked up.

"No, no, no! Shut up! Don't say it!" Natasha quickly said as Yelena covered Peter's mouth with her hand. I just watch, clearly a little confused.

Peter pushed Yelena off him. 

"Umm why?" Peter asked, obviously more confused me.

I lost interest in their conversation and continued my drawing.

"Oh kid... how do we tell you this? Y/N can't spell." Tony said to Peter with a concerned yet caring smile.

"I can spell!" I said and looked up, frowning at the rest of them. "I'm not a child!"

Wanda came over and sat next to me. "Of course you can. You can do anything!" Wanda smiled as she curled some hair behind my ear. I grinned and picked up my pencil continuing as Wanda rubbed my back and watched me sketch.

"When we talk about something she wants, we spell it out loud." Natasha explained.

"So, she doesn't get too excited." Yelena continued, glancing at me out of the corner of my eye.

"She's an adult and she can't handle hearing the word treat?" Peter said.

I jumped to my feet and ran over to the others, jumping and grinning.

"Treat!" I cheered as I laughed and clapped, excitement filling my bones.

"No treat!" Natasha said quickly and Yelena stood up, placing her hands on my shoulders.

"Treat?" I said again but my excitement waning a little.

"No treat!" Yelena said sternly as she looked me right in the eye.

"Treat?" I asked, my volume quieting.

"No treat!" Tony said with a sympathetic smile.

"Aww..." I mumbled and sit back down and pick up my pencil, continuing like nothing happened.

"Ok! What is happening?" Peter asked, clearly lost.

"We told you! She gets excited when she hears the word  t r e a t." Natasha said as Yelena sat back down, clearly irritated that Peter set me off.

"What you guys talking about?" I asked as they began to spell things out.

"Taxes." Tony answered me and I exhaled.

"Aww shucks." I mumbled.

"What, so you guys just treat her like a toddler?" Peter said and Natasha and Yelena stiffened at his rude tone.
They'd always taken care of me after finding me in a Red Room cell.

"Treat!" I jumped up and ran over to Yelena, grabbing her wrists and shaking her hands.

"No treat!" Natasha said, quickly trying to calm me down.

"Treat?" I asked again.

"No treat!" Yelena said, cupping my cheeks and caressing them tenderly.

"Treat?" I asked again quietly.

"No treat." Everyone said.

I sighed, nodded and returned to my art.

"Kid, you gotta spell if you're talking about  f o o d." Tony said as he rested his forehead against his hand.

"Ok, so are we getting a  s n a c k?" Peter asked, glad he finally did it correctly.

"Snack!" I jumped up and ran over to the others for the third time.

"Kid!" Tony exhaled in exasperation.

"Oh come on. I spelled it!" Peter tried to reason as Yelena and Wanda tried to calm me down.

"She knows how to spell snack!" Tony snapped as he massaged his temples like he was trying to escape this madness.

"She can spell snack but can't spell treat!" Peter argued back.

My hands began to tremble as I grew overwhelmed with excitement.

"Treat!" I shouted.

"No treat!" Natasha said, trying to control her frustration.


"No treat!" Tony shouted.

"God damn it!" I shouted and threw my sketchbook.

"Ok, she's getting fussy. I think it's time for a  n a p." Yelena smiled slightly as she wrapped her arms around me.

"Yeah." I grinned and nodded as Yelena placed a soft kiss to the top of my head.

"Y/N, what does  n a p  spell?" Peter asked me as Natasha shot daggers at him.


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