Headcanons Part 2 - Bucky, Peter, Tony, Sam and Steve Ⓐ

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Basically the Male Avengers. I hope you enjoy this! I absolutely love writing these; let me know if you want more of these and with whom. I love you all 3,000!


I plonked my toast onto a plate and took a seat at the kitchen table. 

Nat was watching Bucky rummage through a large bag of M&Ms and taking certain colours and placing them in a large bowl. I watched on in confusion at this event.

"What are you doing?" Nat finally asked, giving in to the curiosity. 

"Sam really likes the green ones so I'm separating them." Bucky explained as he continued his work, not even bothering to look at Nat. 

"Aww, that's so sweet!" Bucky glared at Nat as soon as the word 'sweet' crossed her lips. "Ok. Ok. You're not sweet. Geez!" she replied rolling her eyes and shooting me a look as I tried to hide my laughter.

"You didn't let me finish. I plan to eat them in front of him then run." Bucky grinned mischievously almost in a childish fashion.


"Oh, you absolute asshole!" Sam screamed as he chased Bucky out of the room. "I hope you choke and die you motherfucker!"

"Language!" Steve screamed at the two Avengers who were fighting like toddlers.

What a sight!


Loud, warped footsteps echoed around the compound. 

Me and Tony looked over at each other. Only us were awake (well it was 3am after all).

Peter (Parker) scuttled into the kitchen on all fours. His arms were bent behind his back and his back was arched in the most demonic fashion. His eyes skimmed across the kitchen before landing on us. He slowly grinned as he approached us.

"H-e-l-l-o human," The creature snarled.

Tony's face was coated with fear as he stared at the creature. 

"I crave coffee!" The creature shrieked, sounding like a velociraptor.

"Y/N don't make a sound," Tony whispered, not moving a muscle as fear overtook his body.

Peter's or the creature's (whatever the fuck it was) face contorted in a most eerie of fashions. His eyebrows furrowed as his warped grin turned into a hard glare.

"Where is the apple juice?" The creature snarled. All my muscles tensed as the voice shot fear deep within my heart.

Suddenly, the creature was crawling up the wall, shaking its body and screaming and shrieking like a demon. It settled itself on the ceiling and shook its body side to side like a dance of the dead.

"Stephen! It's back. Get the fucking broom!" Tony screamed.


Bucky stormed into the living room with a foul glare sweeping his face. I flinched slightly as he made his presence known. He stood in front of the tv, glaring at us.

"Who told the kid I speak like a 1960s mobster?" He growled as I paused the tv not wanting to miss any of this tea.

"I thought it'd be funny," Sam chuckled as Bucky glared at him with a look of certain death.

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