Exhausted - All Avengers

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I hurried home, glad it was finally Friday.
I was sick of school!

I trudged around the compound and dumped my stuff in my room. I pulled out my lunchbox and water bottle and headed downstairs, towards the kitchen.

On the main floor, the living room and kitchen were connected so I would be able to see everyone. I fake smiled and politely waved as I washed up my cutlery and lunch container.

"How about we have a movie night?" Tony offered after everyone noticed my broken and dishevelled self.

"You in, Lady Y/N?" Thor asked politely as I filled my water bottle up.

"No thanks. I've got a lot of homework and revision to do." I said as I leant against the counter.

"It'll be fun!" Clint said in a singsong voice which made me smile slightly. 

"We'll let you pick the movie." Bucky piped up as everyone looked at with a smile, waiting for my answer.

"Go get changed and I'll order some pizza." Nat smiled and pulled out her phone, beginning  to dial.

"Ok deal." I said excitedly as I ran upstairs, leaving the others laughing.

I returned wearing Wanda's oversized onesie with blue fluffy socks.

"Is that my onesie?" Wanda laughed as I collapsed on the sofa in between Wanda and Nat with Bucky next to Nat.

"You let me borrow it." I grinned.

"Yeah, like two months ago." Wanda replied which made everyone laugh.

"Madame!" Tony said dramatically as he passed me the remote. I laughed and thanked him. "No musicals!" He ordered as he sent back down next to Steve and Peter.

Before I could do anything, the door rang. I ran as fast as I could and grabbed the pizza boxes and stuck on pitch perfect, earning several groans.

But soon, we were all singing 'Party in the USA' and everyone was up and dancing, completely wiping away every stress I had beforehand.

The credits rolled and Peter chose a sci-fi movie. 

I nestled against Nat's chest and Wanda pulled my legs onto her lap so I was more comfortable. Nat wrapped her arm around me and gently played with my hair, helping me relax as I slipped into sleep.

"Is she asleep?" Steve asked.

"Yeah! Can you pass me that blanket, please? She's shivering." Nat replied as Wanda passed her the blue fluffy blanket. Nat wrapped it around me and held my hand softly, caressing my knuckles as I slept.

"I hate what that school is doing to her. She's always so stressed!" Yelena muttered angrily.

"I know but she has all of us. We'll help her. She is stronger than all of us combined." Nat said as she looked down at me, asleep against her. "She'll be ok!" Nat said after pressing a kiss to the top of my head.

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