Tried to Touch Me - Yelena and Natasha (They/Them)

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I burst into Nat's room. Sobs wracked through my body as tears swept down my cheeks. Lena and Nat jumed up from their sitting position and looked up at me, worry completely staining my face.

I walked in and closed the door. I pulled my sleeves over my hands trying to hide their shakiness as I walked over to the bed. My breathing was erratic as Nat and Lena moved so I could sit between them.

"What happened?" Nat asked gently. Yelena played with my hands as I rested my head against Nat's shoulder. Nat moved slightly so she could wrap her arms around me as they both tried to calm me down.

"Loki tried to touch me," I hiccupped and stuttered as more tears flooded out of my eyes, soaking Nat's shirt.

"I'll kill him!" Lena shouted as she jumped to her feet; her face completely contorted with anger.

"No! No. Please don't go. Don't leave me!" I jumped up and hugged Lena. She wrapped her arms around me and held my shaking body in her arms.

"It's ok. You're safe now! We're here now!" Yelena soothed as she brushed my hair away from my face and just held me close to her. Slowly, Lena began to pull away. "Stay with Y/N," Lena instructed before gently smiling and tapping my nose with her finger, making me smile slightly. "I'll get it sorted." Yelena said before she stormed out of the room.

Natasha walked over to me and wrapped her arms around me. I buried my face in her chest as my sobs began to gently slow. He hands swept up my body, rubbing my back and arms but never going too low after what just happened.

"Everything's ok!"

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