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She knocked on the door harshly, silently begging for anyone to open the door.

Finally the door swung open revealing a slightly confused boy. "Please let me in, I'll explain everything in a moment, just please." The girl begged. "I really don't think this is a good-" The boy got cut off by the panicked girl. "Yeah yeah I know you are one of the member of The Boyz, a mafia group who is very feared and big and your biggest enemy is Treasure. Now please let me in it's important." Out of pure shock the boy let her inside.

Heran was let to the living room where 4 other boys were seated. They gave confused looks to the elder boy as he brought the girl inside. "Take a seat first and calmly explain why u are here." The boy spoke to her in a calm voice, hoping that it would help her calm down in a way.

"You must help me. He is going to kill me once he finds out I'm gone." Heran rambled still not able to calm down. "Wow calm, who is he and why exactly is he going to kill you?" One of them asked. "Haruto. He has always been possessive and if he finds out I have ran away he is going to kill me for sure." Upon hearing the boy's name the group suddenly became more alert.

"Are you talking about Watanabe Haruto?" She quickly nodded to the boy. The room suddenly became a lot more lively than before. The boys started talking to each other frantically. Heran knew why that was the case.

"New you stay here with her, everyone else come to the meeting room right now." The boy spoke to his peers, who instantly did as told.

Within seconds the girl was left alone with the boy called New. He had beautiful pink hair that really fitted the overall vibe the boy gave off. She knew who the boy was. She had read in on these boys before arriving at the place.

"Are you willing to explain why you think he is going to kill you exactly because I'm still not quite sure about that?" New asked her. "I should've known from the start that it was bound to happen. All of his previous girlfriends ended up dying. I had heard all about it from the others. Then a few weeks ago I heard him talk to Junkyu, he was talking about being tired of me and such. He was planning to get rid of me soon."

"I got scared but I knew better than to just run out of the house and hope for the best. He would kill me either way then. A few days ago the Japanese members left to go take care of some business in Japan so I snuck into Haruto's office one night and searched for some files."

"I found all kinds of files but I already knew that you guys were the biggest enemy they had, and to my luck, he had a few files about you laying around in his office." New's curiosity was now completely sparked. "I read all about you guys and figured out where your base was based on small things in the file. Earlier today the other members left to go on a mission and left me in the house alone with a few guards."

"I got into Haruto's computer and started searching for more files about you and other groups. I could find a few on his computer but I knew there were more on the other member's computers. So I took all the files from his computer, deleted those, and put them on a USB."

"Wait? You have some files of us that Treasure had with you?" New asked curiously. "Yeah, not just a few though. I have all their files now. I hacked into the other computers. Then I took the other files of you and a few other groups as well."

New looked at the girl in shock. "I couldn't get into Jihoon's computer but further I have all of your files with me." She took out a USB from her pocket along with a bunch of paper files from her backpack. The name The Boyz written in large letters on the map. " I hoped that if I brought you all those you would trust me a bit more."

"What other groups files do you have with you?" New was now totally convinced by the girl. "Well I have files of a bunch of groups but I won't just give you those, that wouldn't be fair." Heran said. "Just wait here this is really important for the others to know as well." And just like that, the girl was left alone in the big mansion.

New rushed to the meeting room keeping one of the files the girl had brought close to him. "Hyung! You must see this!" He ran in without knocking and placed the files in front of Sangyeon. "What are these?" He asked confused. "These are files the girl had brought from Treasures base. She has brought all of our files as well as some other files."

"Eric you go check on the girl please." Sangyeon said waiting for Eric to go and New to explain. New quickly continued to tell everything the girl had told him a few minutes ago. Making sure to not leave out any details.

After New's explanation Sangyeon opened the file just to see all their information written out. From their names, ages, and nationalities to their family history. Every detail about them was written out. As if someone within The Boyz had shared all this information with Treasure all this time. Only Sangyeon knew these boys were all trustworthy. They had grown up together and had always looked after one another.

Eric had finally gotten the girl to fully calm. She was now half asleep hanging on the couch. She hadn't really slept at all in the last few days trying to make sure everything was alright. Now she finally had a bit of peace in her mind.

When Sangyeon came into the living room Eric instantly signaled him to be silent. When Sangyeon realized the girl was now sound asleep he went over to her and picked her up carefully. Without saying a word he walked to the guest room and placed her on the bed. He would let her stay either way so they could talk about everything tomorrow.

In the meantime, Jacob and Kevin explained what happened during the meeting after he was told to go to the girl. Eric was quite surprised to think such a small girl had done all that. 

For now, Heran was safe and hell was about to break lose at Treasures base.


Hi everyone, this isn't the first story I've written but it is the first one I posted on Wattpad so I hope you enjoy it. Please feel free to leave feedback in the comments. 

I have no clue how long this book will be but I am writing ahead and so far there are 12 chapters and going so yay!  

I'll try to upload 2 times a week but we will see how things keep going. 

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