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Once they returned home, they were met by concerned faces. "What happened?" Kevin asked when they entered.

"It's not that bad, Wonbin and Seunghwan got shot, Juyeon got hurt but further nothing much happened." Sunwoo responded nonchalantly. Everyone's shock grew bigger as he spoke.

"It's not that bad? They could've died Sunwoo! You're not right in your head." Heran yelled out all of the sudden. The outburst surprised everyone. She was about to walk away when Sunwoo responded.

"You're just overdramatizing it, we all have been shot before. It happens in this world." She turned to him with an angry yet sad expression. "Even if it happens, it's still a big deal. Seunghwan lost consciousness before arriving home. You're truly ruthless."

This time she did walk away ignoring everything else that was being said. Kevin followed behind her while Sunwoo was left in anger. He walked towards the garage, leaving the others as well.

"Sunwoo! Where do you think you're going?!" Eric yelled as soon as he realized what Sunwoo was up to. He followed him but to no avail. "F*ck" Sunwoo had left at high speed. He wasn't in his right mind at that moment.

"He left, god forbid that he does something stupid now." Eric said when he returned from the garage. Kevin on the other hand was trying to calm the furious girl in front of him. Her anger was slowly turning into sadness but she wouldn't stop ranting on.

"He is so confusing, one moment he's being insanely nice to me. He'll try to make me feel better, do something to make me smile, and the next moment he's acting like a complete dick. I just don't know what he wants from me anymore. I just can't understand that boy at all." She was pacing around in her room.

"Like today, he rushed to the ATBO base to check up on everyone, took me to eat cake, and did whatever he could to make me forget about what happened for even a split second. Next thing I know he's out here saying the exact things to get me furious." Kevin let out a small giggle at her rant.

Innocence returned to her eyes and she looked at him with slight confusion on her face. "It's just the way Sunwoo is. He didn't mean that in a bad way. He just thinks that being shot truly isn't that bad. I get why you got upset though. It sounded really heartless. Just know that he truly cares for those boys." He finally spoke.

"You should probably go talk to him. I'm sure the fact that you yelled at him also upset him a lot." She let out a deep sigh before nodding. She knew that there was no need to yell but at that moment she truly felt like he couldn't care less.

The duo walked back down the stairs where everyone was walking around restlessly. "What's wrong?" Kevin asked as he sensed the tense atmosphere from a mile away.

"Sunwoo took a car and left. I tried to stop him but I was too late. I just hope he won't do anything stupid like last time." Eric said.

"Sometimes taking care of Sunwoo is like taking care of a toddler. How long has he been gone for?" "About 20 minutes? He left right after you went upstairs with Heran." Kevin nodded and walked away from the others.

The ringing of a phone filled the silence in the room. It was Heran's phone. She looked at the caller id and her eyes widened slightly before quickly picking up the phone. "Sunwoo?" She asked carefully. "There is someone who wants's to talk to you." He responded without much emotion.

"Heran? It's Wonbin. Sunwoo said u were really worried about all of us. You don't have to be. I'm honestly fine. It's just a small wound on my leg. It's truly not that big of a deal." Wonbin spoke softly.

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