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At Treasures base

After they found out both Heran and the files went missing everything was chaos at the dorm. The Japanese members had to return from their mission in Japan and Jihoon had been locked up in the computer room upgrading and changing the system to prevent a break-in from Heran to ensure she couldn't do anything else.

Jihoon, later on, went ahead and did whatever it took to get into anything from The Boyz, in the end, they were the biggest issue if Heran went there.

After days of hacking to no avail, he finally found a hole in the system they were using. So he used that and got into a conversation that was happening through an earpiece. Though it was only mere seconds he could hear a female voice speak to the person on the other side of the earpiece.

"Keep that in mind." Was all he could hear the female voice say. "Diamond? Can you get me in? Hello? Diamond?" That was the last thing he heard before the line went silent. The second voice was Sunwoo for sure. He could recognize that voice anywhere.

The female voice on the other hand seemed a little more difficult to recognize. Yet he had a strong feeling that he knew that voice all too well. Luckily he had recorded the whole conversation and if one person was to recognize that voice it would be Haruto.

So Jihoon took the recording to Haruto so he could say whether or not that was Heran. "Haruto? Take a listen please and tell me if it's her or not." Jihoon said as he entered the youngers room.

He played the recording and Haruto's face changed. An angry expression took over his face. "That's Heran for sure! She really left and ran over to those The Boyz idiots?!" Haruto was boiling with anger.

"call a meeting, we are going to get back what's mine! They have no right to run away with what once was mine." He snapped. "before we do that I'll finish up getting information, we have to have strong evidence before we can get anything to happen." Jihoon explained trying to calm the younger one down.

The truth was, Jihoon was 99% sure he wasn't going to be able to get more information through hacking. It was already difficult enough to get even this small amount of evidence out, but regardless he had to keep Haruto calm, or else things would go downhill quickly.

After Haruto heard that message he started training harder than ever, he would take every single TBZ member down on his own if he had to. He was going to get back at both Heran and The Boyz. They deserved to be punished in his eyes.

The other members soon also felt the tension rise in the base.

A few days later all the members excluding Haruto went to the meeting room. Haruto was sent on a mission. Since it was an assassination Haruto could do it on his own. They had to be able to talk about the whole Heran- The Boyz situation without him. They had to discuss it in peace.

Well, peace was nowhere to be found in the meeting room. Everyone was talking through one another. The tension had risen high in the base. Everyone was frustrated and ready to take care of the issue one way or another. Everything to restore the peace in the base at least.

"Everyone calm for a moment. We must talk about this properly. Heran has done something terrible to us so we must resolve this." Hyunsuk declared once the 'crowd' went silent.

"We have given the girl everything, gave her a place to stay, food, protection, everything she needed. It only shows no one can be trusted!" Doyoung fumed. With that everyone started complaining again.

That was until Junkyu spoke up loud enough to silence everyone. "How dare you say she was ever safe here when Haruto said he was going to kill her soon. She was never truly safe here!"

"Junkyu what are you talking about? Heran was the first girl ever that Haruto felt comfortable enough with to let her in his room. The first girl he finally let in. What are you saying now?" Hyunsuk asked eventually.

"What am I saying? What are you saying?! Haruto has done the exact same with his previous girlfriends. He let them in, gave them the feeling of safety, slowly let them into our lives, and then once they knew too much he ends up killing them."

"He gets them so deep in our issues that they can't just walk out safely anymore and than he kills them because they know too much. He was going to do the exact same to Heran! He has done this every single time yet you say she is safe here?"

No one dared to speak up after Junkyu's anger outburst. It was rather unusual for Junkyu to get angry, let alone about something like this. He did get frustrated a lot but he never actually got angry.

"It honestly doesn't matter anymore now, she left with important information and we can't just let that slide." Yoshi finally said after a long silence.

Most members didn't really dare to say anything because they knew all to well that Junkyu wasn't wrong. Haruto had been killing off his girlfriends one way or another. Either they got to caught up in our mess that they just ended up dying or he would just end them himself.

He wasn't always that heartless though. It was the world around him that made him that way. Everything he had ever seen in the world he lived in made him turn cold. He, but honestly all the members had to switch off their emotions most of the times. If they didn't they would get weak.

"I think this was enough for today, it's clear that we need more time to get everything sorted. We meet again in a week, everyone must be ready by then. Haruto will join us in that meeting so Junkyu hold yourself back then." Hyunsuk said concluding the meeting.

Frustrated by the outcome of the meeting Junkyu left the room. He went to the rooftop to calm his mind even the slightest.

The whole situation with Heran awoke a lot of new feelings inside of him. The whole situation reminded him a little to much about his older brother. He had gone through all that before, loving a girl deeply, losing her just to get her back.

And in the end just losing her again. It in general happened one to many times in the mafia word they were living in. It was almost as if love wasn't put away for them. As if God had forced them to suffer so others could be happy. 


Hi hi everyone. I feel a little sad today, I was expecting the news of Yedam's and Mashiho's departure sooner or later in a way but I'm still surprised. 

I don't really stan Treasure but I have always thought they were cool guys so it's very weird in a way.

I hope that Treasuremaker (Teume) are doing alright and have someone to talk to right now because it's very dreadful news. 

I'm sending all my love and support to Treasuremakers and I wish both Yedam and Mashiho a bright future, regardless of what they'll do. 

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