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The door swung open and Sunwoo rushed inside. When he entered, his eyes scanned the room. "Where is she?" His voice was frantic. "Sunwoo, you should come here for a moment." Sangyeon requested leaving no room for debate. 

He took a deep breath for a moment before finally walking over towards Sangyeon's direction. "Make it quick." "New is taking care of her right now. She's alright. Instead of rushing inside right now, give him some time to check everything. He'll be done soon." 

"I just want to see her for a brief moment. I'm just going to check and I'll leave them be." Sunwoo's voice went softer, more desperate. "I understand Sunwoo. Still, don't act rashly, leave New to take care of her. I have got something else I want you to do." His voice a lot more fatherly than normal. 

"What is it?" Defeat present in his voice. "See if you can contact Jaehan. I believe they should know about this." "Alright." He walked away from the group and went to the office to use the phone there. 

He tried to call the first time, but nothing. Upon the second attempt not going through, he put the phone down harshly and changed his tactics. 

He walked back into the room and spoke to the first treasure member he could see. "Junkyu right? Give me your phone for a moment will ya." Junkyu pulled out his phone as he was told and handed it to Sunwoo. 

He copied the phone number from his own phone and pressed call. Within seconds the call went through and he heard Jaehan's voice on the other side of the line.  "Hello, who am I speaking to?"

"Jaehan? It's Kim Sunwoo from The Boyz. We have been unable to reach anyone using our own phones. Either way, that's not important right now. Something happened at home. I believe this is not the best way to bring the news to you but I have no other choice."

"We know that Heran had been close to some of the members of your group so Sangyeon believed it was best to contact you right away. Heran's father had visited our place when we weren't around. Only Eric and Heran were home so he was able to take over quite easily." 

"Both Eric and Heran have gotten hurt quite badly but believing New she'll be fine. The thing is, her father has gotten away. I don't quite understand what exactly happened while we were away but from what I understood, he suddenly left."

"Wow, Sunwoo hold on. Slow down for a second. Heran got hurt? Her father? Tell me only the essentials so I can understand." Jaehan finally cut off Sunwoo as he had started rambling on. 

"So, in short. Heran got hurt because of her father and he has gotten away." Sunwoo started to get angry again. "I'll tell the others, we will start looking for him right away." Jaehan's voice became more serious. 

"Thank you, once I've seen Heran I'll also go out to search with you. Until then please contact us using this number only. We will contact you once we have gotten control back over our phone lines."

Sunwoo hung up the phone and handed it back to Junkyu. "If you get any calls, hand the phone to one of us immediately. Understood?" His words were harsh as they left his mouth. 

His anger subdued however when he heard his name being called ever so softly. 

He turned around and met Heran's eyes. His eyes scanned his body as he walked closer to her. "Heran." He nearly whispered as she embraced him ever so carefully. 

He hugged her back, using no pressure to ensure that he didn't hurt her. "You need to learn how to listen." Heran chuckled as they let go of the hug. 

"Mhm?" Confusion written all over his face. "New told me that you weren't supposed to come back yet. You ignored Sangyeon's orders." An airy laugh left her mouth. "Would you have preferred it if I stayed there?" His mood also became lighter as the conversation went on. 

"No, surely not but still. From now on you should listen to your leader." "It's no use telling him Heran. He'll never listen." Hyunjae chimed in. 

"Heran? You should go and rest some more. It's not good for you to stand this longer after all your body has had to deal with a lot today." New nagged from across the room. "Common, I'll take you to your room." Sunwoo made her place her arm around his neck for support before the duo walked off towards the stairs. 

While they went upstairs, Treasure started to pack up their stuff, getting ready to leave. That's when a slight commotion started. 

"We have risked our lives, gotten hurt and for what? These fools can't even thank us." Haruto sneered as he walked by Hyunjae and Jacob. "What did you say?" As soon as Hyunjae spoke, Haruto turned around. 

"I'm not wrong am I? We have gotten several members that were injured and none of you bothered to thank us. You came in and just focused on your own team." "We just nearly lost two of our members and that's what you are complaining about?" 

"Hyunjae, not now. We've got other things to deal with." Jacob said in a weak attempt to defuse the situation. "No I think we should do this right now. I believe we have nothing to thank you in particular for. Or wait we do. If you hadn't been such a dickhead, Heran would've never come to us in the first place. Thanks for being such a loser Haruto." 

"Now your just asking for it." Haruto was about to hit Hyunjae when both leaders rushed over to stop them. "Have you completely lost it Hyunjae? They came all the way here and risked their lives for our team and you are thinking about starting a fight with them?" Sangyeon spoke sternly. 

"And you Haruto, I said it clearly before. If you are causing trouble I would have no issues shutting you down myself. The mission is nearly over and here you are. Causing trouble. Regardless of what you were talking about earlier. Apologise." Hyunsuk concluded. 

"I'm not apologizing to him." Haruto said. Hyunjae strongly agrees with him. Neither being willing to apologize. 

The leaders looked at each other and just sighed. "Whatever, Haruto go home right now. We will follow swiftly." Hyunsuk finally said not even listening to the response he got. 

It had been a long day for both parties, they just wanted to go home and sleep. 


Let's talk about The Boyz' comeback....As a Sunwoo girlie I've been going Hi, hello wherever I go-

This comeback has absolutely destroyed me, it's so ungodly good. I love every second of that song. I've got it as my second most listen to song on Spotify atm. (Crazy Form by Ateez is no.1 hehe)

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