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Once Heran fully realized who the man was she basically ran down the stairs to find out who that person was. Once downstairs she found Juyeon and Hyunjae playing videogames.

"Did you bring Junho here?" She asked, concern in her voice. "That bastard is downstairs. Why?" Hyunjae asked not even bothering to look at her.

She didn't think for a second longer and ran down the second flight of stairs that lead towards the basement.

She didn't need to think about where they could be as she heard heavy coughing coming from a room in the back of the hall.

Wasting no time she opened the door and was greeted by a bloody Junho and a frustrated leader duo. "Junho" She voiced out softly as his eyes met hers.

"Heran. You aren't supposed to be here!" Sangyeon spat at her but she ignored him. "Did my dad do this?" A hint of anger was now found in her voice but somehow it was still soft. "Heran." Junho responded, unable to look at her any longer.

"Don't play around with me Junho. He told you to do this, didn't he? You guys are helping him." The silence was enough of an answer for her. She felt a tear roll down her cheek while walking closer to him.

"I truly thought that if I came back with my dad, you guys would be there to keep me standing. Instead, you are helping him!" Her voice took a turn, pain was now clearly noticeable.

"Look Heran, We never-" Her hand hit him right on his cheek before it found its way to her own face. "I don't want to hear it. I thought I could trust you. Who else was involved in this?" And just like that the strong Junho was broken into pieces.

"Only 2PM. Your dad made clear that we had no choice." "I don't need to hear any of that bullshit. So every single one of you tried to get me away from here?" "Yes." He wanted to explain himself more but he knew it had no point. They lost all her trust.

"Let's go somewhere else for a moment Heran." Sangyeon finally said, awfully amused by the situation. He pulled her away from the man and walked outside with her. "What are you guys going to do with him now?" She asked once the door closed.

"He'll stay with us until we finally figure out what to do with him. Maybe we could use him as a spy but I'm highly doubtful that we can trust him. I can promise you one thing though. We are not going to kill him anytime soon." She nodded slightly at his words.

"I'm going to rest in my room for a bit." Her voice sounded weaker than before. Sangyeon just nodded and let her walk off alone before going back to get Junho into one of the 'rooms' downstairs. They were basically like little jail cells.

When Heran reached her room she felt more confused than ever. In the limited time she had been with The Boyz so many things had changed. Even those who she thought would protect her turned against her. It was a little hard to grasp.

Weeks ago she would've started crying when she figured this out but now, she could only stare into the distance and wonder why. For the next hour, she would continue to stare into nothingness while thinking.

That streak finally got broken by New who entered the room very quickly. "Heran? Sunwoo wants to see you." He said excitedly. "I'll be down in a moment." She responded, not quite grasping the words.

"Heran. Sunwoo is awake." He waited a second for the words to settle in her brain. Finally, she jumped up from her bed to turn to New. "What did you just say?" "Sunwoo woke up and he instantly started looking for you, he wants to see you." New's voice was soft but showed clear signs of relief.

She didn't waste another second, forgetting everything that happened that day she ran down the stairs to the ICU. There he was sitting upright in the bed.

"Sunwoo." She nearly whispered. When the boy noticed her he instantly started asking all sorts of questions. "Are you okay? Did they hurt you anywhere? Why aren't you saying anything?" His eyes scanned the girl frantically.

"Sunwoo, I'm fine truly. You've been asleep for days, I've been terrified, I missed you and I was scared I would lose you." His panicked eyes softened and signaled her to get closer before pulling her into a hug.

"I'm glad you are okay." He whispered in her ear. He closed his eyes and carefully took in her scent as he held her tightly against him. "Please never do something like this ever again." She finally voiced out carefully.

"What? Being in a coma for so long or trying to save you?" He joked but she clearly wasn't amused. "Rushing in without a plan, getting yourself in so much danger. You could've died right there you know." Sunwoo listened attentively to her words before shifting his attention to the person at the door.

"You heard her Sangyeon, never do that again." Heran turned around at the speed of light to see the leader smiling at the duo.

Kevin had rushed down to bring the news to the leader and he had also quickly made his way upstairs to greet the younger but he was too late. Heran had already claimed all of his attention so he waited and watched the two reunite with a soft smile on his face.

"I'll leave you two be." Heran stuttered wanting to walk away from the slightly awkward situation but she was stopped by the boy in the bed. "Sangyeon can wait. You are not going anywhere for the time being." He pulled her to sit on the bed.

Sangyeon nodded at Sunwoo and walked away to leave them some privacy. "You should catch me up on everything that has happened the past few weeks. I want to know everything you've done."

Heran thought for a second before telling him all about the search for the person who created the chaos that day but left out everything regarding her dad and Hyunjae. She just told him the good things that happened.

Finally, she ended up rambling on about all the things she had done, Sunwoo listening attentively while simply enjoying her warmth against his body. 


Sunwoo finally woke up! 

Today I wanna recommend a b-side from MCND. It's called H.B.C and it's such a fun song. I heard it live last year and I don't remember ever going so hard on a song as on that song. HBC has everything a party song needs to have!

That whole album is honestly filled with such great songs so I highly recommend checking the whole album out but for sure H.B.C.

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