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Finally, Heran made a dangerous decision. She silenced all of their earpieces. They couldn't hear anything anymore. That's when she made the sound system in the house play an ear-screeching sound.

This sound forced Cravity and Blitzers to the floor. Heran could only imagine how painful that must be for them but this gave the others time to escape the house.

Jumin picked up Wonbin, Junseok helped Seunghwan get out and Juyeon was barely able to walk properly and stumbled out.

They stood no chance against the large number of people inside the house. As soon as everyone got out safe it was Hyunjun's chance to play. He picked out a few windows and shot, leaving them to shatter.

Jumin and Junseok drove home at the speed of light where Rakwon was getting ready to help out where he could. In the meantime, Heran got on the phone with Sangyeon.

"We have big trouble here. Wonbin and Seunghwan have been shot. Juyeon is also hurt badly. Can Jacob maybe come over to help out?" She said slightly panicked.

"I'll send him on his way right now. I'll come with him. For now, just stay calm and help out New as soon as they arrive." He hung up the phone and within a minute Jacob and Sangyeon were on their way.

Heran reconnected with Sunwoo and heard how they calmly got on with their mission. She sighed in relief and took off her headphones, turning around to face Yeonkyu.

They got up from their chairs and Yeonkyu just went over to Heran and hugged her. "You saved my brothers life's." He voiced softly.

She just hugged him back without saying a word. Suddenly it hit her that she never turned off the sound and rushed to the computer to turn it off as everyone had left.

At the Blitzers base everyone let out a sigh of relief as the sound finally stopped. A few members had blood on their hands and ears. The sound had seriously damaged their ears.

At P1harmony's base, the team reached the final step of their crazy plan. Sunwoo and Hyunjae got to the garden and lit a fire. Changbin and Han carried out the first load of drugs quickly followed by Felix and Jeongin who carried the rest outside and dropped it into the fire.

After that, they rushed back to the cars. P1harmony had clearly noticed the mess that they made and a few gunshots were fired but they were gone. Their mission was more than successful.

"Juyeon? How did it go?" Sunwoo asked once they were in the car driving back home. "Terrible." That was all he said. That was all Sunwoo needed to know. "Hyunjin, please drive us to ATBO's base. Something happened at their mission. I'm going to call Heran to check what exactly happened."

He pulled out his phone and called the phone Heran had gotten when they went shopping. "What happened?" He asked as soon as she picked up.

"Wonbin and Seunghwan got shot. Juyeon also isn't in the best state. Cravity was at the base when they entered. I don't know how it happened." She spoke fast giving Sunwoo a hard time comprehending what she was saying.

The cars arrived back at the base and without hesitation, she dropped the phone rushing out to help the others get back inside.

Seunghwan had lost consciousness on the way and Wonbin was visibly upset by what happened. He was fuming with anger. Even before everyone was able to get inside Jacob and Sangyeon arrived.

Jacob took Wonbin to the infirmary to treat him while Rakwon did his best to help out Juyeon. The whole place was a mess. Finally, Sangyeon pulled the hacker team aside to understand the situation to the fullest.

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