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They drove around for another 30 minutes before they finally drove back in the direction of the base.

The car was completely ruined and Sunwoo was pissed off. He had gotten the car only recently and it was the very first car that he bought for himself. Now it was ready to go to the scrapyard.

It had been completely silent during the whole ride back home. Eric had wanted to say something multiple times but he noticed how frustrated Sunwoo was that he kept quiet instead.

Heran had attempted to clean up the seats that were covered in a thin layer of glass but ended up staying on her cozy spot on the floor instead as she didn't want to get glass in her butt.

When they arrived home Sunwoo didn't even bother to put the car back inside the garage. He just parked at the side of the building and entered the house with the others.

He threw his car keys and they came crashing into the wall before bouncing off and dropping to the floor. In the process, he let out a loud scream getting the attention of everyone in the house.

Even before anyone was able to ask anything Sunwoo stormed off to his room to get changed.

"What the hell happened that he is that pissed off. It's not like Sunwoo at all." Kevin asked as he reached the door.

Eric and Heran both stood around a little uneasy after the little outburst of their friend.

"Take a look for yourself." Eric said pushing the door open further, revealing the ruined car. Everyone took a moment to take it in before being bombarded by the following terrible news.

Sangyeon walked out of his office with a slightly irritated look on his face. "What happened?" He asked when he saw everyone standing around the door.

"Sunwoo's car is completely ruined. No clue why." Q stated walking back to the couch now that the "show" was over.

"We were getting tailed and Sunwoo had to drive around half of the city before he was able to lose them. In the whole process, the other car began shooting and the back window shattered, the left mirror is completely broken and the back of the car is full of holes. Aside from that there is glass in about every crevasse of the back seat." Eric explained.

"And that?" Sangyeon continued pointing at the dent in the wall.

"That's the place where his keys hit the wall." Heran stated looking at the dent as well.

"Go get him and meet me in the meeting room downstairs." Sangyeon let out a sigh and walked towards his office to get some paperwork before heading downstairs.

"I'll go get him, you can go bring everything too the kitchen." Heran said looking at Eric who was still holding the groceries. He nodded and walked off with the 2 bags.

Heran went her way and reached Sunwoo's bedroom door. She softly knocked and waited until she heard a faint 'come in' before she entered.

"Sangyeon seemed pissed, he called a meeting and said everyone has to be there." She voiced, feeling bad for the boy.

He was laying on his bed with his arm over his eyes. Clearly extremely upset about the whole situation. "Let's go." She spoke again but she got no reaction from the boy.

He let out a frustrated sigh and pushed himself up from the bed. He signaled for Heran to lead the way as he wasn't really sure which meeting room they were using.

They were the last people to arrive at the small room. "I've heard about what happened to your car today Sunwoo, well talk about what we will do with that later." Sangyeon started as he saw the younger sit down annoyed.

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