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The following morning Heran woke up, still feeling a bit conflicted about the news she had gotten yesterday. However, she had been able to settle her thoughts enough to talk to Hyuk again. 

She had to walk downstairs really carefully, her injuries still bothering her. Once downstairs she could hear the boys talking in the kitchen. 

"If I didn't let you win, you would've never won that round! You should know by now that you can't defeat the master." Eric exclaimed. "Your ego is too big to let me win, you just can't bear to lose to me. Like ever." Hyunjae bit back. 

Heran felt at ease hearing them bicker the way they always would. It was like a weight got lifted off of her shoulders as she walked in and saw them all, alive and happy around the table. 

Hyuk was seated at the end of the table. Although he was laughing along with the others, Heran noticed that he wasn't quite comfortable. Something was clearly still bothering him and she knew exactly what was. 

She was very hungry but she knew that it was best to talk about it first. She wanted him to be able to enjoy his time over at their place. 

"Hyuk? Can we talk for a moment?" Her words caught the group's attention, and everyone turned to look at her and Hyuk. He simply nodded and got up to follow her out of the kitchen. 

Sunwoo sent a final smile to Hyuk before they were completely out of sight. 

"I'm not completely sure how I'm feeling yet but I do want you to know that I'm not mad at you or anything like that. I don't blame you for this, you did exactly what should've happened a long time ago." 

She felt a bit strange saying that but she knew that was reality. Her father deserved every bad thing that ever happened to him. He was an asshole through and through and what came for him was exactly what he deserved. 

It was like she was torn between the loss of her father and the loss of the person she loved most. She truly truly hated him, she did but she still felt weird about it. 

"Heran, you are allowed to be mad at me, if you are I'll leave you alone, I'll not bother you and I'll let you figure things out." " I'm not mad at you though. I wasn't to begin with. Like I said, I don't blame you for that. If you didn't do it, who knows what else he might do." 

"I know that we all are no saints either but he was the embodiment of a piece of trash. Yes, he was my father, yes I feel weird to know that I no longer have a parental figure but if you think about it, I didn't have a parental figure since the day my mother died."

"Hyuk, you are the closest thing I have to family right now, I wouldn't want to lose you over this." 

After she finished speaking, Hyuk instantly pulled her in a hug, his head resting on her shoulder as she hugged him back. 

"Thank you, for seeing me as family, for not being upset with me, for everything. Thank you Heran." He nearly whispered out. 

After the hug, they returned to the kitchen. With Hyuk now smiling brighter and Heran seemingly at ease the team continued their conversation. 

"I'm glad you two are back to normal." Sunwoo said when Heran took a seat next to him. "Me too." She smiled at her boyfriend and started eating. 

Later that day, Sunwoo went to look for Heran who had been with New not that long ago but was now nowhere to be found. 

After the events of the last few days, he instantly felt on edge, scared to lose her after all but his worries melted away as soon as he reached the game room. He could hear her giggle from outside the door. 

"Heran?" He said as soon as he walked into the room. The duo turned around to face Sunwoo. "What's up?" She asked curious as to why he was looking for her. 

"I see you are having fun so just continue what you are doing." He said, a gentle smile on his face.   "No, you two should go ahead, I've gotta return home either way and Changmin had promised to give me a lift to my car." 

Heran and Sunwoo said their goodbyes to him and after that, they were left alone in the large room. "Now speak, I'm curious." Heran jokingly demanded. 

"I wanted to take you out on a date, I just realized that we never really had an opportunity to do something with just the two of us." 

" I don't know Sun, I don't think I'm ready to go out in the public like this already." 

"Love, you look perfectly fine. However, if you don't feel like it, we don't have to go. We could just go back to my room and watch a movie? Let's do that, I'll go get some stuff from the store real quick and we will make it a little house date." He started rambling. 

"Hold your horses pretty boy, I'll ask New if it's okay for me to put a bit of make-up on. If he says yes I'll do that, if he says no, I won't but I'm down to go out with you regardless. I'll get ready and meet you downstairs in 20 minutes." 

"Are you sure? We really don't have to if you don't feel comfortable." "I'm sure Sun, just give me a little bit of time to get ready." 

Sunwoo gave her a careful hug before they both went to their respective rooms to get ready. After a quick confirmation from New that she was in fact not allowed to put make-up on the wounds, she went ahead and got dressed. 

She didn't want to go overboard since she didn't know what they were going to do. She ended up picking a plain pair of jeans and added one of Sunwoo's hoodies on top of it. She happened to have one lying around anyway. 

Sunwoo was already waiting for her by the time she had finished. He was also dressed casually which eased her worry a bit. They weren't going to do anything fancy. 

"Let's go miss, I've got a lot of things planned for us." Sunwoo said while extending his arm to her so she could take his hand. "We won't eat at home tonight so no need to think of us!" Sunwoo yelled out to whoever could hear.

They walked to the garage together and Heran got to pick the car they would take to go to the destination Sunwoo was keeping very secretive. 

"Could you please tell me where we are going? I'm dying of curiosity." Heran pouted, making him laugh out loud. That was a side of her he hadn't seen a lot but he was absolutely loving it. 

Hanging out alone with her confirmed what he already knew, he was madly in love with her and absolutely nothing could change that.

The End 


Hi there, believe it or not, this is the end of the series : )  

I've had a lot of fun writing it and to be honest I didn't even know I would end it at this point. I had the idea in mind that I would still have to figure out a nice way to end it but when that last line popped up in my mind, it felt like everything just fell in place for some reason. 

I hope everyone who read up until this chapter was able to enjoy it a lot. 

I know I wasn't always the best writer in terms of uploading times but I'm very happy to see the same familiar profile pictures pop up whenever I upload a chapter. : )

Thank you very much for the support I've gotten during this series and see you in the next one. <3

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