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Sangyeon had written the 7 letters by the end of the day and was going to bring them to the houses himself. He walked up the stairs to his room to prepare to leave when he passed Heran.

"What are you doing right now?" She asked her as she was extremely bored. "I'm going to head out soon, I've got some things to drop off." He said shaking the letters in his hand. "Would it be alright if I joined you?"

"I guess that wouldn't hurt. Go get ready, we are leaving in 10 minutes." He stated before walking further up the stairs.

He placed his gun in his holster and put the letters in a backpack along with his wallet and an extra gun in case of emergency.

He changed into a suit for the occasion. It felt a little strange but he was going to see his old team again. He was going to see the people he had worked with for such a long time again. He wanted to look presentable for that occasion.

He wouldn't even go inside or anything but he remembered their old leader always wearing a suit to show his power, Sangyeon wanted to do the same. He wanted to show them he had succeeded although they already knew.

When Kevin saw Sangyeon walk out off his room dressed like that he knew exactly what was about to happen. "Going to hand them the letter officially?" Kevin asked although he knew the answer already.

Sangyeon nodded and smiled softly. "I'm taking Heran along, I'll make sure they don't see her but she wanted to join me. We should be back around midnight, I've got my gun in my holster and have an extra gun inside the bag. I have my earpieces in my pocket but won't wear them to not scare Heran."

"Alright, if anything happens let us know okay? Be safe." Sangyeon nodded in response before walking to the living room where Heran was waiting.

"Oh, I didn't know I was supposed to dress up for this, I'll go change real quick." She said as she saw the way Sangyeon was dressed but he caught her by her shoulders and turned her around.

"You don't have to get out of the car so there is no need for you to dress up I promise." He reassured her and pushed her to the door softly. They were taking Sangyeon's personal car which was a black BMW.

Sangyeon took place in the driver's seat and drove up calmer than normal. He felt a strong sense of responsibility over Heran, she was somewhat like a sister to him after all.

"Sangyeon? I've got a question, but you don't have to answer it if you don't want to." Heran started which made Sangyeon curious.

"Go ahead, If I don't want to answer it, I'll tell you." "How did you join the gang?" Sangyeon stayed silent for a second to think his answer through but after a few seconds he spoke up again.

"I joined thanks to my dad, he was a drug addict and he ended up getting killed by another gang because he didn't pay his debt in time. I was around 8 I think."

"They took me to their place so I could repay the dept my dad had created but not much later their house collapsed. I was the only survivor and I was found by the leading group of Lotus. Since then they have taken care of me."

"I have never met my mother, she died while giving birth. That's also the reason why my dad became a drug addict. And in the end, I guess that's also the reason why I am where I am now."

"The Boyz has only been created about 5 years ago. That was around the same time our previous leader stopped. He still supports the team from the sideline but he no longer leads."

He stayed silent after that. He felt like he had shared too much information but it was already too late regardless. "That must've been tough." Heran just managed to voice out.

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