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The whole week long he had been doing everything he knew he needed to in order for Sunwoo to wake up soon to no avail. He was getting more and more anxious as time went on.

Finally, he couldn't handle it anymore when another day had gone by with no sign of life. He pulled his phone out of his back pocket and dialed the number of the only person he thought could help him out.

Seonghwa picked up the phone with a raspy voice mixed with a slight bit of frustration. It was 4 am and he had no clue who had called him at this ungodly hour.

"Seonghwa please come over to our place asap. I don't know what to do anymore." News voice showed all his desperation which got Seonghwa up on his feet quickly. "Will be there in 10." He stated before hanging up the phone.

The majority of Lotus knew about the situation and so when those words left News's mouth he knew it could be something terrible. He got dressed quickly before leaving the house. He send a quick message in the group chat to let everyone know he was gone for the day and that was that.

He drove his car full speed towards the luxurious mansion hidden in the forest. At this hour the streets were near empty so he didn't even bother looking up at the lights signaling him to stop. A few cars ended up honking at him but that was that and he arrived rather quickly.

When he arrived he was met by Jacob who let him in. "New is in all states of mind right now so take it easy."

Seonghwa nodded and followed him towards the room next to the infirmary which he had used as an ICU for Sunwoo to recover in. Hwa put on a mask and washed his hands properly before entering the room.

New was sitting with his hands in his hair. He tried whatever he could to understand the situation to no avail. He just didn't understand.

"Can you give me his stats?" He asked when New finally noticed him. His voice was calm and steady but his brain was also in a state of confusion. He knew that New was one of the best doctors among them so he was afraid he wouldn't be able to figure it out either.

Looking over the stats he also got confused about why the boy didn't wake up yet. "What have you tried so far?" "I tried adjusting his medication in hopes that would make him improve his brain function and rehabilitation therapy. Neither changed anything. He should've woken up days ago."

"How about giving drug therapy a shot? I'm aware it's not our best option at the moment but I believe it's the best chance to wake him up. I'll call Jiu over to help us keep an eye on the situation as we do this. I feel like this will work."

New could only nod. He didn't like drug therapy but he also knew they probably had no other choice. The previous time Sunwoo reacted pretty badly to the medication they had used which is why he now refused to use it but he had no choice.

With Jiu and Seonghwa here he knew it would be alright. He also had Jacob and himself to help keep an eye out on things so he felt like he should have faith for a change.

The rest of the group had also been anxious the past week. New had rarely gone to his room to sleep. Only for a few hours when Jacob took his place in the ICU. Heran and Younghoon and done their best to deliver meals to the ICU and New had always quickly eaten a few bites of it outside the room before rushing back in to check on Sunwoo.

Sangyeon had gotten back on his feet and was already figuring out who had shot that night when everything went wrong. He had to know who the person was that shot that night. The one that ruined it all had to be held accountable for it, regardless of what team that person came from.

He got a lot of help from Eric but for now, there was no news. They couldn't quite figure it out yet. Q had also never left the infirmary since that was the closest space to the ICU. He refused to leave just because you never knew what could happen.

He wanted to be right there when he woke up. He wanted to be the first to see his friend. Thought it was totally out of character for him, no one really questioned it.

In the meantime, the others tried to keep the group going like regular. Doing their daily business makes everything seem fine for anyone outside the team.

The team had been a mess since the day they left that building.

An hour after the original call from New the team of 4 top doctors was gathered in the small ICU. Jiu was carefully looking through the charts she had gotten from Jacob and Seonghwa was reading Sunwoo's medical history to figure out what meds would be the best choice.

Jacob had gone to wake up Sangyeon to explain the situation. It was a risk they were going to take after all so he felt like their leader should know before they took action.

Sangyeon had always been very fond of Sunwoo and his way of working. He had not once slacked off, not even when the worst situation happened. Sunwoo was always ready to take care of every situation that occurred.

On the other side, Sunwoo was also always the first to step in if something happened to the others. He had never wasted a second when one of the members got hurt and always took care of them the best he could until New or Jacob could reach them.

Sangyeon couldn't lose such a valuable member. The team would never recover from that.

"If something even as small as 1 missed heartbeat happens I want you to report it to me understood? If something happens to Sunwoo you must let me know as soon as possible." There was a tone of concern in his voice.

Meanwhile New was preparing for the worst-case scenario's he could imagine.   


I've decided I will just upload each chapter when I finish it so some might come faster than others but I believe 1 each week will be the norm.  

For the song recommendation of the day, I'll go with Paul Kim - Me After You. 

I was lucky enough to see him and other amazing artists live a while ago and I even got lucky enough to win hi-touch with him. Paul Kim is such a sweet man who really cares for his fans.  

The song Me After You is my absolute favorite song of his and the fact that he performed it felt like a blessing to me. Paul Kim deserves some extra love.                                                                                                                                  

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