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"Run! You must run! If you don't run now they'll catch you, if they catch you it's over. You must run! Why aren't you running?! Run!"

Heran woke up and let out a distressed scream. That scream was clearly heard throughout the house because before she knew it New, Hyunjae and Jacob arrived at the side of her bed. "What's wrong?" Hyunjae asked looking around the room nervously.

New quickly understood the situation and signaled Hyunjae and Jacob to leave for a while. "You had a nightmare didn't you?" He asked her in the most soothing voice. Heran answered by nodding her head as tears formed in her eyes.

"May I?" He asked signaling to the bed. Heran nodded again and New took a seat next to her. He slowly pulled her towards his chest and caressed her hair softly. "It's all a lot right now I know, but you'll get used to it, I promise."

"When I first arrived at The Boyz I had never seen a gun in real life, let alone hold one. I hated horror movies or well anything related to them. I hated it all. Yet I had one true passion and that was helping out those who needed my help."

"Then one night, Sangyeon hyung and Juyeon hyung had gotten into quite a bad fight. They sat down in an alleyway, terribly hurt. And I just so happened to pass there. At first, I was terrified by the 2 boys who were covered in blood. I wanted to run away."

"Yet my instinct told me I should help them, I felt like I just had to help them. So I did. I helped the two strangers in the alleyway. Which by the way, you should never ever do because you'll end up like me." He said with a giggle.

"Either way, the enemies returned to finish their job soon after but Sangyeon and Juyeon protected me. They shot the men right in front of my eyes, but if they hadn't done that I would've died right that day."

"Though I was terrified I still felt somewhat grateful to them. And they felt grateful to me, so they asked me to join them for a while. I ended up going along, mainly out of fear but felt like I found my home later on."

"I went to medical school soon after and now I'm here. I was terrified, often having nightmares of that day, yet I felt accomplished. In the end, I found my new home with The Boyz, my second family."

"What I wanted to say with this is, that we all went through that period of constant fear. Somewhat regret going through you because it all feels like it's too much for you. Later on, you'll realize that it's really not all that bad. Those people kind of deserve it."

He finished his story and Heran had stopped crying. She felt safe in New's arms. She felt like he truly understood the fear she had been through. She believed that everyone understood her in some way. She understood that everyone started somewhere. None of them were monsters.

As New was telling his story Sunwoo also arrived at the door after hearing her scream. Hyunjae and Jacob who were still at the door noticed him and quickly told him to stop. "She had a nightmare, New is calming her down." Jacob said pointing at the small gap in the open door.

Sunwoo noticed how the girl was in New's arms and felt a small pang in his chest. He felt the need to do something, something to make her feel better. That's when he remembered his first night after his first moment of action.

So without another word he rushed off to the kitchen. He started collecting all kinds of things and started rushing from one place to another.

Once he had everything set up he went and collected all the members of both The Boyz and ATBO and asked them to go to the living room before going to get New and Heran.

He softly knocked on the door and entered after hearing a soft 'come in' from the girl. "Would you guys mind coming to the living room I've got something to show you." He said excited to show her what he had done.

When they arrived at the living room everyone was waiting on and around the couch. Some were seated on the floor, others on the couch. In the middle of the couch, a place was kept free for Sunwoo and Heran.

Sunwoo had made hot chocolate milk for everyone and had chosen a great comedy movie to help her take her mind elsewhere for a while. He had brought out some fussy blankets and had put out all sorts of snacks for them to eat during the movie.

They both took a seat and Heran wrapped herself into the fussy blanket she got handed from one of the ATBO boys.

The movie was great, everyone was laughing and enjoying it a lot. The cups of steaming hot chocolate milk got emptied and the snack bowls slowly got emptied as well. By the end of the movie, all of the boys were fast asleep on the couch.

Sunwoo had also fallen asleep on Heran's shoulder. Though she also wanted to sleep, she was mainly just glad to see that everyone else was able to rest properly.

As she looked around the room she spotted the eyes of Wonbin on her. At that moment she just didn't know who he was yet.

The young boy stood up from his seat and signaled the girl to do the same. She slowly took Sunwoo's head off her shoulder and let him lean on the back of the couch instead and followed the boy.

"Have they ever shown you the game room here? If not let's go there, I bet you don't feel like sleeping yet either." The boy spoke in a sweet voice. "My name is Wonbin by the way. Nice to meet you."

"I'm Heran, nice to meet you too." And with that the two were off to the game room, a friendship ready to start growing.

They entered the room and Heran was surprised to see all the arcade games inside the room. Yet the thing that caught her eye the most was the air hockey table. She had always loved that game as a child.

"I bet you can never beat me at air hockey." Heran said to the boy daring. "Oh, you wanna bet on it? Deal! Loser has to go get some snacks." Wonbin announced. They shook hands to secure their deal and started the game. 


Hello there = )

Today's rec is One Ordinary Day. 

It's about a man who gets blamed for the murder of a girl he had a one-night stand with. He ends up in jail and basically tells the story of him trying to prove he is innocent though he doesn't remember much of that night himself. 

Very nice story and it honestly made me doubt him at some point.

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